
Guy Gets Kicked Out Of The World Naked Bike Ride For Getting A Boner

For those of you not in the know, the World Naked Bike Ride promotes road safety for bikers and pedestrians.

This past weekend, a bunch of participants threw on their birthday suits and cycled through the streets of Kent, England.

It's a clever little demonstration technique, and I think it's about time we apply it to other social issues -- perhaps circus elephant abuse (a bunch of elephants get naked).

Unfortunately, these sorts of events can run into certain problems. At this particular naked ride, a man was kicked out of the event for being "overexcited."

I'm saying he got a boner.

One witness told Mirror,

Everyone was taking their clothes off to get ready for the ride. I heard gasps and I turned around -- it was a horrible sight.

It was HORRIBLE! Either this witness has never seen an erect penis before or this erect penis could talk. That would be horrible. Imagine the little hole operating like a tiny mouth (I can hear you all demanding, "BUT WHAT WOULD A PENIS SAY?" Well, of course, it would just say its name over and over, like a Pokémon).

A witness told The Independent,

The man looked sheepish when he was spoken to by the police.

Apparently, he just got too excited by all the naked people around him. A piece of advice for anyone thinking about joining a big naked event: If you get boners really easily, don't go to big naked events.

Citations: Boner Police Remove Man From Nude Bike Race for Getting Too Excited NSFW (Cosmopolitan)