Everything To Know About A Potential Third Season Of The Wilds
It like, needs to happen.
When The Wilds Season 1 ended, the series introduced a massive cliffhanger in the form of Phase 2, the Twilight of Adam project. Though the show gave few details, it was apparent the eight male castaways were the flipside of the “Dawn of Eve” program, changing the dynamics of Season 2 completely. So perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise that Season 2 ended with the reveal of “Phase 3.” So, with the next phase of the experiment, what should fans expect from a possible Season 3 of The Wilds?
Warning: Spoilers for The Wilds Season 2 follow. The first two seasons of The Wilds were split into the present day of the castaways’ experience interspersed with flash-forwards to post-rescue interviews. But by the end of the second season, the present caught up with those interrogations, as Leah managed to get the word out about Gretchen’s experiment to the outside world. In the season’s final minutes, Gretchen and her team were on a plane to an undisclosed location, going on the run from the feds. The kids were left to fend for themselves at the experiment’s headquarters, still stranded with no hope of rescue. Gretchen’s team took everything with them, forcing them back into survival mode as one large group.
However, Gretchen indicated the experiment was not over. The team was simply fast-forwarding to what she called “Phase 3,” revealing that all along, the plan was to combine “Adam” and “Eve” into a single experimental group to be observed. And that’s where the season leaves fans, eager for a Season 3 so they can see how Phase 3 pans out.
The Wilds Season 3 Renewal Update
When The Wilds Season 1 was released in December 2020, it was an unexpected hit, and Amazon hurried in its wake to confirm Season 2 was greenlit about a week after the show’s arrival. But the lockdown situation in 2020 that made The Wilds a quick hit wasn’t present for Season 2, and Amazon has thus far not announced whether a third season will follow. Fans will remain on pins and needles, waiting to find out if there will be another season.
The Wilds Season 3 Cast
Should Season 3 get greenlit, it’s pretty clear all surviving teens will at least be present for the start of the season. That includes the girls’ ensemble of Sophia Ali, Shannon Berry, Jenna Clause, Reign Edwards, Mia Healey, Erana James, and Sarah Pidgeon introduced in Season 1, and the boys’ ensemble of Charles Alexander, Zack Calderon, Nicholas Coombe, Miles Gutierrez-Riley, Aidan Laprete, Tanner Ray Rook, and Reed Shannon introduced in Season 2. Also, Alex Fitzalan and Helena Howard will most likely be back as the two operatives, Seth and Nora.
Rachel Griffiths is expected to be back as Gretchen Klein, with her group of fugitive assistants, David Sullivan as Daniel, Jarred Blakiston as Alex, and Elliott Giarola as her son DJ. It’s not clear if Troy Winbush will return as Dean, the staffer she fired for helping the castaways, or James Fraser as Ian, Leah’s friend who she contacted to help them. Also, Ben Folds may or may not be back, depending on Leah’s mental state.
The Wilds Season 3 Plot
Season 1 was about the girls’ struggle to survive and the reveal of Gretchen’s twisted experiment that was somehow supposed to prove women were superior creators of society. Season 2 was the second half of the experiment, in which Gretchen’s thesis was about to be disproved by the male castaways until her operative, Seth, showed his true, heinous colors and assaulted one of the members of his cohort.
The removal of both Nora and Seth as operatives means the kids are out there on their own now, with no mole to try and push them in one direction or derail them in the other. Season 3, if it happens, will likely consist of a lot of butting heads between the alphas of each group, with other members subconsciously carrying out gender roles without realizing it. Also, there may be some more romantic couples pairing off, considering the size of the group just doubled. In short, Phase 3 could be the most telling part of Gretchen’s experiment, whether she means it to be or not.
The Wilds Season 3 Trailer & Release Date Predictions
As for when another series will arrive, The Wilds Season 1 debuted in December 2020, and Season 2 in May 2022. That’s a 15-month production window that started right after Season 1’s arrival. Should Season 3 be greenlit in the next few weeks, by June 2022 or so, fans can expect the next season to arrive in late 2023.