
#TBT Speidi: 8 Reasons You Should Be Following Spencer Pratt's Snapchat

by Arielle Tschinkel
Getty Images

Though it sometimes seems much longer, it's been six years since "The Hills" was a pop culture staple in our lives.

The show that gave us endless amounts of quotable moments ("I want to forgive you, and I want to forget you."), hair inspo (Who among us didn't live for LC's side braids?) and drama.

The show also gave us arguably one of the most hated reality TV personalities of all time: Spencer Pratt.

Yeah, you know him.  He's the guy who basically broke up the friendship of reality TV's blonde bffs, Heidi Montag and Lauren Conrad, once he started dating Heidi.

Things were never the same after that. Spencer loved stirring the pot, and he was basically tailor-made for reality TV fame.

When the show ended in 2010, Heidi and Spencer (or as some affectionately called them, Speidi) did everything they could to hold on to every last drop of fame.

They drummed up divorce rumors, appeared on other reality shows like "Celebrity Big Brother," "Marriage Boot Camp" and "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!"

They did whatever they could to remain relevant (including some seriously bold plastic surgery choices and Heidi's many attempts at pop superstardom).

They even published a guide on how to be famous, aptly titled "How to Be Famous: Our Guide To Looking The Part, Playing The Press, And Becoming A Tabloid Fixture."

Fast forward to 2016, and the era of LC and her arch-nemesis Spencer has become a relic of its time, much like Juicy Couture tracksuits and Heidi's Hervé Leger bandage dresses.

Though Speidi's fame has quieted down, the Pratts maintain a pretty steady social media presence.

There's nothing unusual about this, given that most celebrities (and pseudo-celebrities) have at least a Twitter account. (Yep, even Omarosa tweets!)

But I'm here to discuss something that the world absolutely needs to know about: the wonderfully weird world of Spencer Pratt's Snapchat.

Spencer is a big fan of giving his Snapchat followers a glimpse into his everyday life, and it's truly fascinating.  He snaps most of his day-to-day activities, and what's great about it is how normal he actually seems.

Though the glare of reality TV fame and cameras following his every move are long gone, Spencer uses Snapchat as his own personal reality TV show.

Sure, there's no camera crew, and no built-in MTV audience hanging on every episode, but Spencer manages to do what he loves best: make his presence known.

Even if his presence is a much more quiet one these days.

Here are some of the reasons why you should follow Spencer on Snapchat:

1. He's obsessed with his espresso machine.

I know, it sounds really strange. But Spencer has a Rocket espresso machine that he's pretty seriously in love with.

I'm not quite sure how homeboy can drink cup after cup of espresso every day without losing his damn mind, but I've gotta give him props.

I've given my Keurig machine a nickname (Kevin, if you were wondering), and I'm not quite sure I love Kevin as much as Spencer loves his Cuisinart.

But it's still awe-inspiring.

2. He does a tabloid review each week.

Given that he and his wife were once tabloid staples, it's not surprising that he actually subscribes to all of them and reads them cover to cover.

He goes through and gives pop culture commentary on each page, and the "Who wore it better?" sections are pure gold.

He's surprisingly nice toward his fellow famous folk, and it's sort of sweet.

He's really into Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's reported reunion, and is a self-proclaimed "Miam" shipper, if you will.

He even takes the time to black out his address on the magazine covers, bless his heart.

3. He's really into avocado toast and burritos and photographing said avocado toast and burritos.

So basically, Spencer Pratt is all of us.

4. He practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

It's probably a good idea for a guy who had so much pent up rage to have an outlet, and he's actually really cute in his kimono.

5. Heidi rarely appears.

At first, I was very confused because she almost never showed up in his snap story.

But, it's because she's trying to achieve her own level of snap fame. Her username is prattheidi.

We get glimpses of her voice here and there, but not often.

6. Their dogs are so cute.

Heidi and Spencer have four really cute dogs, and two of them are named Rainbow and Ninja.

I think we can guess who named each one.

7. He sees when other people stalk him.

And he's not into it.

He'd much rather fans approach him for a selfie than creepily photograph him from a distance, which is pretty understandable, tbh.

8. He keeps up with the Kardashians, too.

It doesn't appear he's a big fan of Kylie. So, same.

9. He's still into crystals.

I mean, that's all you really need to know, right?

So if I haven't convinced you by now, you should really be following Spencer Pratt on Snapchat.

His username is prattspencer.

Trust me, you will not regret it.