
Justin Bieber's New Adult Coloring Book Is Straight-Up Porn

by Leah Degrazia

Today, Justin Bieber reached out to his Instagram followers with excitement and joy to receive praise for his ability to sit still for a grand total of 30 minutes and finish coloring a page in his coloring book.

With pride and (apparently) no shame, the Biebs posted the page he finished to his Instagram with the caption,

I actually sat down for 30 min and finished I never can sit still for that long so it's an accomplishment, yes this took me 30 minutes haha I know I suck Don't judge me.

UMMMMM, WTF, JUSTIN?! You think we'd be judging you for your coloring skills when the picture you colored is that?!

How are we supposed to pay attention to your minuscule feat and congratulate you when you literally just revealed your coloring book is straight-up anime porn?? Where did you even get that coloring book?!

There are just so many questions I don't even know I want the answers to.