The 'GOT' Finale Has Fans Wondering When The Next Book Will Come Out
We hate to pester the mastermind of the Game of Thrones universe, but excuse us for wondering when we'll be able to sink our teeth into the next installment of the book series. So, we have to ask, when does the Winds of Winter come out? Well, there are a few clues to keep our appetites (slightly) satisfied.
George R.R. Martin himself had some answers pertaining to Winds of Winter's release on his website Not a Blog and cleared up the rumors about his literary progress in the process. "I don't know which story is more absurd, the one that says the book is finished and I've been sitting on it for some nefarious reason, or the one that says I have no pages. Both 'reports' are equally false and equally moronic."
There you have it. You tell 'em, George.
Martin elaborated about his future timeline hopes for the highly-anticipated project.
I am still working on it, I am still months away (how many? good question), I still have good days and bad days, and that's all I care to say. Whether WINDS or the first volume of FIRE AND BLOOD will be the first to hit the bookstores is hard to say at this juncture, but I do think you will have a Westeros book from me in 2018... and who knows, maybe two. A boy can dream...
2018 is just one year away in case you haven't noticed, so just like Martin himself, we can only dream that the book will be on shelves around or before the same time Season 8 of Game of Thrones premieres.
Martin recently spoke to Metro about the latest extended gap between books, explaining, "I did not start to write slower over the years. I was working on the first book for six years and four years on the second one. Fantasists who release their novels every year, do not offer books of large volume. These are not 1.5k pages like mine, but, for example, 500. In addition, I have not become younger. Age does not add enthusiasm.”
Perhaps the man behind it all doesn't have the GOT fever HBO diehards have because he doesn't even watch the show. That's right, the writer also admitted that has no time for it. Seriously.
Thanks for keeping busy, Mr. Martin. We're rooting for you! Fingers crossed for 2018.