Chad Went Crazy On 'The Bachelorette: Men Tell All' And Twitter Lost It
Ever since JoJo Fletcher sent Chad Johnson home on "The Bachelorette," fans have eagerly awaited his return.
At the end of every season, the show holds a special "Men Tell All" episode where the contestants reunite and talk shit about each other and all the drama that happened.
If you've been watching this season of "The Bachelorette," you know it's been one of the craziest seasons yet. Obviously, the ringleader of the chaos was none other than Chad Johnson.
Over the past month, Chad has become infamous for his love of protein, his snarky one-liners and his aggressive, untamable behavior.
But that seems to be why people can't get enough of him. It's entertaining to watch him flex his biceps and rip the other contestants into pieces.
So, during "Men Tell All," Chad was able to sit down with Alex, Evan and the rest of the guys to discuss WTF really happened.
The 28-year-old real estate agent from Tulsa, Oklahoma had a lot to say about the season. In his 20 minutes on the hot seat, Chad was able to destroy pretty much every contestant.
He called Evan a "Dick Doc" and went off about how annoying Alex was. He threatened James Taylor and told Derek,
Your pocket square doesn't match your shirt.
The entire "Men Tell All" was basically "The Chad Johnson Show."
He even discussed hooking up with Grant AND Robby's ex-girlfriends after the season ended. YUP, Chad Johnson confirmed he's had relationships with both women and that did not make the guys happy.
Saint Nick even took off his jacket and tried to fight Chad at one point. LOL, things got heated.
OK, so here's where things get extra insane. JoJo eventually came out to say hello to the guys.
Some of the men used this opportunity to get closure on what happened in their relationships. Others used it to let JoJo know how great she is and how much she impacted their lives.
Chad decided to use the time to be a total asshole to JoJo. SHOCKER! Are you even surprised?
He asked if he could speak and proceeded to wish her good luck on the rest of her journey. Instead of leaving things at that, Chad decided to tear JoJo's final two suitors apart on live television. He said,
Everyone else knows that Robby [Hayes] broke up with his girlfriend days before filming in order to be on the show with you, and we both know that Jordan [Rodgers] is a liar, cheater, whose own older brother won't talk to him.
But don't worry, guys. He wished JoJo good luck again!
"I do wish you the the best of luck in your relationship endeavors." - Chad. #MenTellAll \#TheBachelorette pic.twitter.com/R0uLQstprI — The Bachelorette (@BacheloretteABC) July 27, 2016
Man, can you believe that?
Jojo simply responded with,
I could go off right now.
She refrained from saying anything else because she didn't want to give Chad extra attention and satisfaction, so she played the bigger person and let him be.
Twitter had a lot to say about "The Bachelorette" villain.
Waaaaaaaay too much time spent on Chad this season #MenTellAll — ana (@ClaudiG9) July 27, 2016
But a lot of people were actually fans of Chad's commentary.
LMFAO chad said it all, Robby's a dick and Jordan was a cheater #MenTellAll — ashley (@ashleyhilary_) July 27, 2016
Everyone can hate on Chad as much as they want - but we all know that he isn't wrong about the things he says #MenTellAll #Truth #Chad2016 — Johnny Jakubowski (@MinnesotaJohnny) July 27, 2016
Chad is HILARIOUS. Oh my god #ChadForBachelor PLEASE. @realchadjohnson #MenTellAll #TheBachelorette — Kaylee (@kayleemarie95) July 27, 2016
Whether you love him or hate him, you can check out Chad on "Bachelor In Paradise" next Tuesday.
Good luck finding love, Chad! You'll definitely need it.