New York Post Savagely Uses Jennifer Aniston Photo For Brangelina Cover Story
By this point, you've already heard ad nauseam about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie calling it quits on their marriage.
However, while this story, and the resulting stories since, have been covered by seemingly every major and minor news outlet from here to the ends of the Earth, no one has produced a more shocking and savage cover than the New York Post.
The Post, never a publication to shy away from a controversial or provocative headline, decided to run a full-page picture of what can only be described as a jubilant, cackling Jennifer Aniston.
The headline accompanying the above photo reads:
BRANGELINA 2004-2016
I mean, does it get anymore savage than this?
If you're unaware, this cover is savage because Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston for five years before he left her for greener past -- Angelina Jolie.
So, while everyone has been weeping uncontrollably since Tuesday, September 20, the New York Post -- and I'm sure it's not alone -- thinks Jennifer Aniston is more than a little happy about the fact Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to get divorced.
According to reports, Jennifer Aniston thinks the split between Brad and Angelina is "karma," but "does wish Brad luck and the best."
The source, who provided the above quotes to Us Weekly, added,
She feels like she's happy, and she wants him to be happy too. Jen does not hold on to any negativity from her marriage to Brad.
Apparently, the photo the New York Post used for its cover was taken in 2011, when Jennifer Aniston was immortalized by creating a hand and footprint at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
I'm sure plenty of people are outraged by the New York Post's choice of photo for its Brangelina story, but why should this day be different from any other day?
Citations: New York Post's Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Cover Features a Laughing Jennifer Aniston (Us Weekly)