George Clooney Learning About Brangelina Split On Camera Is Heartbreaking
It's official -- George Clooney is all of us.
Now, I know you're probably checking your bank account to see if you're worth $180 million, too, but I'm not talking about net worth here.
I'm talking about Clooney's reaction to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie filing for a divorce. He was caught off guard just like the rest of us.
Honestly, it's making me feel just a LITTLE bit better about this whole thing.
First, model Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter to express how destroyed she was over the news of Brangelina splitting up after two years of marriage and 12 years of their relationship combined.
Now, Brad Pitt's long-time BFF George Clooney is reacting to the tragic news and it turns out the 55-year-old actor had NO CLUE about the divorce despite the fact that it's all anyone can talk about today.
Clooney was at the UN General Assembly event in New York City when CNN caught up with him and asked him for his thoughts on the split. At first, he had no idea who the reporter was even referring to.
After the reporter stated that the question was about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's divorce, George Clooney said,
I didn't know that. I feel very sorry then. That's a sad story and unfortunate for a family.
Someone get me a tissue. I think I'm going to be sick.
This calls for a sad meme.
You mean to tell me, George freakin' Clooney had to find out the hard way just like the rest of us?! This is too much.
Immediately after successfully completing his first sentence, Clooney then stumbled over his words as he attempted to issue a heartfelt statement on the news, saying,
I'm very sorry to hear that. This is the first I've heard of it so...
End scene.
Hey, Clooney, don't worry, bud. We're all going to be OK. I'm sure true love still exists... Right...? RIGHT?!
Citations: George Clooney reacts to Brangelina split (CNN)