
‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Gets Super Emotional Sending Matt Home & Twitter’s Confused


This week's episode of The Bachelorette honestly didn't have too many shocking moments. Rachel predictably chose Bryan for her first one-on-one and made out with him all over Geneva, and followed that up by giving her two other clear faves Dean and Peter roses of their own.

That was all obvious, but the big shock was how Rachel sent Matt home. Obviously, Matt was going home — he was barely ever even on this show to begin with — but for someone who got basically no screen time at all, Rachel got unexpectedly super emotional about having to say goodbye to him.

When she told him he wouldn't be proceeding to hometown dates next week, Rachel full-on broke down into tears, even falling to the ground as Matt got into the limo.

Obviously, viewers were super confused about this reaction, given the fact we've barely ever seen Rachel and Matt interact at all. Fans took to Twitter to express their confusion as to why Rachel reacted so emotionally.

Honestly, it was a really strange moment. Viewers have barely even heard from Matt throughout his seven episodes on the show. He had become such a forgotten contestant that people on Twitter had even begun asking "Who is Matt?" constantly the few times he appeared on-screen.

Strangely enough, he made a huge attention-grabbing splash in the premiere episode when he entered the house in a full penguin costume. But after that big moment, he quickly faded into the background for the rest the season.


Fans are speculating Rachel and Matt must have made a deep connection while the cameras weren't rolling, given how intensely she was weeping when she had to send him home.

Whatever was really going on between Rachel and Matt, they were clearly a lot more involved than the show led us to believe. But I guess still not enough for Matt to make it to the final four.