
Women Hold Signs Of Empowering Hillary Clinton Quotes

by Blair Thill
Elite Daily

When all is said and done, 2016 will forever be remembered for its historic US election. For the first time in American history, one of the two major political parties has nominated a woman for president — a woman who has a legitimate shot at the White House.

Just writing that gives me chills.

Of course, it isn't just any female politician who's carrying this tremendous weight and honor. It's Hillary Clinton, who has been fighting for social justice since her time at Wellesley College.

Since her college graduation, Clinton has championed not only the rights of women, but also the rights of all Americans. It's been a consistent battle throughout her career, from her time as a law student through her tenure in the Senate and as President Obama's secretary of state.

And now she's fighting to get to the most important seat at the American table: the one in the Oval Office.

Of course, Clinton didn't just magically transport in time from then to now, and given all she's come up against, her success is nothing short of remarkable. Though it's hard to articulate just how impressive this feat is, you get a sense of her grit and strength when you look at the inspiring speeches and interviews she's given throughout her life.

To pay homage to Clinton and her legacy, some of Elite Daily's female staffers took photos with their favorite — and most empowering — of Clinton's quotes. Here's what they chose.

Clinton has shown us that she isn't afraid to get in on the jokes made at her expense:

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When speaking at the United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women, in Beijing, Clinton had this to say about fighting for women's rights:

Elite Daily

In the keynote address at the Vital Voices Conference, Clinton shared her definition of democracy:

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Back in 1999, Clinton gave some real talk on what being “pro-choice” means:

Elite Daily

While she was secretary of state, she showed her devotion to defending LGBT rights:

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After her multiple victories on Super Tuesday this year, she had this to say about what America REALLY needs right now:

Elite Daily

Clinton has always had to deal with the haters, but she doesn't let the hate get to her, as she shared in her memoir, "Living History":

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After winning the Pennsylvania Democratic primary this year, she had this to say to anyone accusing her of playing the gender card:

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In Clinton's history-making speech after locking the Democratic nomination this year, she had this to say about her differences from Trump:

Elite Daily

But, above all, Clinton has shown us that she may have been the first to crack the highest glass ceiling, but she's doing it for the generations to come, as she told us in her DNC speech:

Elite Daily