
Woman With No Shame Decides To Live-Tweet Her Daughter's Birth (Photos)

by Alexia LaFata

As if social media wasn't invasive enough, mother Lyndsey Thomas has decided to bring all of her Twitter followers into the delivery room and live-tweet the entirety of her labor.

From her first tweet at 8 am sharing her excitement to recording her first breastfeeding session 20 minutes after the baby was born, it's all there with the the hashtag #lyndseygivesbirth.

Regarding her decision to make her very private moments so public, the 34-year-old says,

When I got there I thought, 'what can I do to pass a few hours before it all kicks off?' I wanted to capture as much as I could, even during my contractions. It was a way of keeping my mind off the pain and telling friends what was happening.

Thomas also says it was a "social experiment." She was glad to see that reactions were very positive: People were guessing the time she would give birth and the weight of the baby.

By 11:30 in the morning, Lyndsey had the doctors and midwives of Whittington Hospital pose with her in a picture of the labor ward.

I have a bed on labour ward! #pregnant#labour@BritMums follow me and tune in at — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014
Hard work this supporting the wife whilst she's in labour lark. #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014
#epidural in #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014

Other Tweets included asking if she was having contractions:

Am I having contractions? timed 2, 15 secs each 13 minutes apart. Will see if another comes along before calling midwife #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014

Giving everyone some great details:

2cm dilated - a cm more than yesterday. #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014
F**k me this hurts like hell! #contractions #every2mins #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014

And even administering a health lesson:

Demo on how the cervix & uterus works. Anyone else no the cervix is like a finger? — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 16, 2014
Fearne Eileen Thomas born at 01.04 weighing in at 7.4 — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 17, 2014
20 minutes old & Latched straight on so mummy is on the toast @BritMums @Netmums #breastfeeding #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 17, 2014
Totally in love #lyndseygivesbirth — Lyndsey Thomas (@Lyndz_Thomas) May 17, 2014

I'm unsure how I feel about Thomas's decision to do this, but since almost everything else is shared via social media, I don't see why a pregnancy shouldn't be. At least she spared the gory details of the final stages. #placenta

H/T: Huffington Post, Photos Courtesy: Twitter