
Woman Perfectly Challenges What The Word 'Slut' Is Supposed To Mean (Video)

by Gillian Fuller

What is a" slut"?

That’s the question Youtube star Hannah Witton asks in this video.

Witton, a vocal feminist, wanted to discover why women call each other sluts and what the word actually means.

So she asked her followers on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr to define the term in their own terms.

After garnering a host of different responses, Witton concludes that there is no one definition of the word, so whatever idea the word is meant to signify can’t exist. She also points out that a person's sexual history isn't really its own entity, but part of what makes people who they are.

Her video is eye-opening in a sense that it truly makes you think, and that’s the whole point.

Witton points out that we should move away from using derogatory terms to describe women whose sexuality is in any way different than our own and, instead, celebrate our autonomy and sexual freedom as women.

Check out the video to see her entire impressive argument, and be sure to check out the other videos on her channel, most of which have a similar empowering, feminist theme.