
Shocking Google Glass Video Shows How Women Are Subjected To Domestic Violence

by Katie Gonzalez

It might not be easy to watch, but it's still important to see.

This viral video produced by a group of London-based creatives uses Google Glass to show a day in the life of a normal woman.

The viewer follows along as she picks out the day's outfit, buys something at the bookstore and congratulates a friend on a new job over coffee.

But the clip's ending is a little less easy to see.

When the Glass-wearer arrives home for the day, her boyfriend, Mark, beats her in the couple's kitchen before dragging her by the hair into a different room.

You can't see any more of the disturbing scene, but screams are heard off camera.

The video, which was released on Saturday for International Women's Day, seeks to highlight how women from all demographics are still subject to abuse and domestic violence.

A harrowing message plays at the end:

"Despite all our progress, women still see this everyday."

And it's a terrible fact that's sadly true — approximately one in four women will experience violence at the hands of a sexual partner in their lifetime.