Ladies, The First Step Is Admission: The 15 Signs You're Addicted To Online Shopping
Online shopping isn’t just limited to basic clothing and accessories. We can get everything from groceries, to puppies just by clicking our mouse and entering our credit card information.
With this expediency also comes the formation of a lethal habit: your online shopping addiction. You’re constantly found in front of the computer, scanning unnecessary but nonetheless appealing products and ready to click “purchase” at a moment’s notice.
For everyone out there who’s holding back their urge to snatch up the latest sale of the day, here’s 15 signs you are an online shopping addict.
You know by heart which sites have free shipping and free returns
Hate to break it to you, but it’s not common knowledge for everyone.
When a friend suggests you go shopping together, you respond with “I can just buy it online”
You get fussy when you have to go to the store to pick things out with your hubby or girlfriend. Why put in all the effort when you can just get it delivered to your door without ever leaving your apartment? There is never a time when you think it would be better to buy items in person.
Your Facebook newsfeed and sponsored advertisements are populated with recently viewed items
Thinking about buying those fancy over-the-knee boots or scarf and hat combo on sale, just not quite ready to commit? Don’t worry, you’ll be reminded that you should purchase them (even if you can’t afford it) every time you sign back online.
You Google “________ Coupon Codes”
Like any savvy online shopper, you know that the final price is not always the best one. RetailMeNot and DealCatcher are first in your online history and you never settle on one website’s price because you know you saw it elsewhere for cheaper.
People comment on the noticeable amount of packages you receive
They’re just really jealous that you got a special parcel with something awesome inside, even if it is just socks. Admit it, though – half of the excitement is just opening the box.
You forgot what it’s like to wait in the checkout line at the store
The internet is so instantaneous that your ‘internal patience meter’ overloads when the line wraps once around the queue.
You receive more promotional than work-related emails
That special tab on Gmail for “promotions” was practically invented for your personal out-of-control inbox.
You hate sales people
They are like obstacles interrupting your shopping flow. And sales people recommend the worst items, which makes you feel obligated to let them down gently when you don’t like the hideous 90s printed vest.
You know inventory details including brands and where you can buy an item on sale
Seriously, friends proactively reach out to you when they want to find a specific item they saw in a magazine. Even when you’re not actively shopping and see a random bystander on the street, you take a mental catalog of the items she’s wearing that you saw online.
You have more leftover cardboard boxes than spare shopping bags
Shopping bags would imply that you actually went to the store.
You can’t wait for noon to hit when all the flash sales are refreshed
After browsing shopping websites for hours on end, you’re quickly bored when you start seeing the same products. Daily flash sites are your savior and keep your internet habit healthy.
3-5 Business days is your worst enemy when you’re ordering packages on Wednesday
Realizing that you have nothing to wear for the weekend festivities? Looks like you’re going to have to wait until Monday.
Like clockwork, you open the same three tabs for your favorite sites each morning
This is your standard routine.
You read pages of reviews before buying anything
You don’t trust a sales person to tell you more information about an item, but you have no problem listening to a chat room full of strangers.
You don’t realize that shopping carts do exist outside of the Internet
Except maybe as the ultimate dance move.