
For The First Time In Human History, Women Are More Educated Than Their Husbands

by Elite Daily Staff

Not like we've been keeping track or anything, but for the first time in history, the percentage of American women who are more educated than their husbands is higher than the percentage of husbands who have more degrees than their wives.

According to the Pew Research Center, 21 percent of women have more degrees than their husbands, while 20 percent of men have more degrees than their spouses.

It might not be a big difference, but it's a huge step in the right direction.

And, looking at the statistics in the context of 1960, when these numbers were 7 percent for women and 14 percent for men, it truly is remarkable how much progress we've made. 

The trend is most obvious among newly married couples because younger generations of women have been more likely to pursue higher education than men.

What a nice intersection between gender, education and marriage for today's class lesson! Come back in 10 years for more updates.

H/T: The Cut, Top Photo Courtesy: Tumblr