Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Using Dry Shampoo
To twist a famous phrase nicked from HBO's series “Game of Thrones,” we can say without hesitation:
“Summer is coming!”
With summer comes the need to change up your look. How else are you going to look cool and gorgeous while making it through the longer days and shorter nights? But with summer also comes sweat. How do you deal with having an active life and enjoying summer while still making sure your hair looks fab?
The answer is a beauty product called dry shampoo.
Dry shampoo is great for when you have been super active and you want something to dry up the excess oil and sweat that your scalp makes. Even professional hair stylists are making use of dry shampoos for their clients when a wash and comb-out are just not possible.
Dry shampoo comes mainly in two forms: loose powder or aerosol sprays. Either method works well. Hair professionals do recommend that to keep your crowning glory hydrated and healthy that you should avoid sprays that have alcohol in them.
When used properly, dry shampoos absorb excess oil and sweat for up to three days. After that, you'll need to use a normal shampoo to give your hair a proper cleaning. But if you want to freshen up after a day of walking around with your friends, then dry shampoo is your answer.
Using Dry Shampoo
Getting the most out of any dry shampoo means knowing how to use it. Here's what you need to know
1. Spray or brush dry shampoo onto your hair, especially at the roots. It's often best to do this from underneath. Simply lean forward and apply to the hair. You don't have to use a whole lot. If you use a spray on dry shampoo, be sure to hold it at least six inches away from your head to avoid applying too much.
2. Gently work the product from your scalp to your ends using a makeup brush. There may be a bit of residue that you can see. Don't worry, that will come out.
3. Let it sit on the hair for five to 10 minutes so that the product can soak up the excess oils from your scalp. You can do other things in the meantime such as painting your nails or putting on makeup while you wait.
4. Lastly, brush the dry shampoo through your hair with your favorite hairbrush or comb to knock off the excess.
The most important thing is to give it some time to work. for getting a dry shampoo to work best is to give it some time to do its thing. Ideally, you need to wait five to 10 minutes before brushing it out.
Be sure not to use too much of your dry shampoo or use it too often. That can leave your hair looking dull and feeling really rough.
Finding Dry Shampoo
If you need tips on where and what to get, check out this article for some trending types. Important: Be sure to get a dry shampoo that matches your hair color closely.
However, if you're the type who really wants to save money and get a real sense of DIY accomplishment, you can make your own dry shampoo.
DIY Dry Shampoo Base for Light Hair
1/4 cup cornstarch 4 tablespoons baking soda 8 - 10 drops of essential oil
People with dark hair will need to use a different recipe. Using white dry shampoo on dark hair can leave a halo effect that makes you look like you've been baking, hanging drywall, or just older in general. For dark hair, you can use the following formula and eliminate that powdery look.
For dark hair, combine:
1/8 cup cornstarch 1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8 cup ground cinnamon
If you have red hair, you can use this same recipe, but substitute powdered paprika for the cocoa powder. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to this if you wish.
For any of these recipes, mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Then add just 3- 4 drops of any essential oil you wish to add and mix again to complete the recipe. Keep it in a sealed container.
When done right, you shouldn't see any powder residue from the dry shampoo and your hair will smell and look a lot fresher. You'll be left with great looking hair that's full of volume and ready for your next trip out to the club. Try different essential oil blends to make a unique signature scent!