This Powerful Music Video Proves Women Don't Need Photoshop Or Makeup To Be Beautiful
Colbie Caillat is sick of being photoshopped. She's sick of the media spreading an impossible ideal about women, and wants to do something about it.
Her new single, "Try," off of her latest album Gypsy Heart Side A, is here to tell you that you really don't have to try so hard -- to impress other people, to adhere to a physical standard or to feel good about yourself.
The music video features a plethora of beautiful women taking their make-up off to reveal their bare faces. Caillat was inspired by a conversation she had with Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds about how people in the business wanted her to dress sexier and change who she was.
After Edmonds told her that she didn't have to try to be someone she wasn't, Caillat wanted to tell others the same.
Towards the end, Caillat joins the rest of the women in the video and removers her own make-up, bravely revealing her bare face, too.