
New Startup Will Offer Women Unlimited Blowouts For Just $99 A Month

by Gillian Fuller

Living in New York is expensive. Pampering yourself in New York? Next to impossible, unless you're willing to subsist on Ramen for a paycheck cycle (we've all done it).

Well, it was impossible -- until now.

Enter Vive, the answer to every New Yorker's hair woes.

The startup, similar in theory to ClassPass, is a subscription-based service for blowouts.

Just $99 per month will buy you unlimited wash and dry treatments at New York's highest-rated salons (a serious score, considering most blowouts cost upward of $50 per session).

Founder Alanna Gregory started the company after realizing there were few places to get a last-minute, affordable blowout in the city.

She tells Business Insider,

I was getting my hair blown out pretty frequently. I have very curly hair.

Instead of splurging on biweekly salon visits -- which rack up a hefty price tag -- she wanted to create an affordable, reliable service for hair care.

So Gregory teamed up with her stylist of 10 years, Cristin Armstrong, to launch Vive.

Each salon in Vive's network is hand selected by the pair.

Gregory says,

We're very strict about quality control.

Business Insider reports that Vive may also offer unlimited monthly manicures for $49, though Gregory refused to comment on that possibility.

Regardless, the blowout package will launch by the end of this month, and the city's well-styled set are getting seriously excited.

Gregory confirms,

The salon experience is something people really enjoy.

Once funding goes through -- the founders expect to raise about $1 million in the next few months -- there's no doubt that Vive will be huge.

It is, after all, the first service of its kind -- not to mention, one that will save thousands of women thousands of dollars.

It's innovation at its finest (as far as the beauty buffs of NYC are concerned).

Stay on top of Vive's latest news by submitting your email address here.

Citations: Vive offers unlimited blowouts for 99 (Business Insider)