4 Rules To Follow If You Don't Want To Give Up Booze While Getting Fit
Drinking sangria on a warm summer night while sitting around a beach bon fire is the epitome of summer goals.
But what about your #fitgoals? You don't have to abandon all your weekend drinking plans when you're trying to get fit. The trick is knowing how much you can get away with and what type you should be pouring.
Here's how you can stick to your fitness goals and still knock back a cold one:
1. The Hard Stuff
All hard alcohol hovers around 100 calories per 1.5 ounces, but most drinks you'll get in a restaurant or bar contain 2 to 3 ounces per drink.
The important thing with booze is what type of drink you get. Stick with the less sugary options that also contain a hydrating component. Not only do sugar-packed drinks add on the calories quickly, but they also exponentially increase your hangover… which means you probably won't be making that morning spin class you booked.
As for the hydrating component, this could be a soda water-based drink (like the classic vodka soda with a lime wedge) or something fun like blended watermelon and rum or coconut water with a splash of gin and blended strawberries.
You can also try out our Spicy Señorita Margarita drink. If you like your alcohol neat, just make sure you slowly sip on it so that it lasts.
With all alcoholic drinks, make sure to have a full glass of water between each glass! #BewareTheHangover.
2. Vino
This is our go-to. We have a love affair with wine. I mean, how do you not feel fancy opening up a bottle of red?
Wine has an average of 120 calories per 5-ounce glass, but it also contains heart-healthy, free-radical-fighting resveratrol.
Keep it to one to two glasses up to two to three times per week of red or white wine. If you want to make your white wine stretch just a little further, make yourself a spritz.
Just pour 3 ounces of white wine with one to two ounces of sparkling water or your favorite kombucha. It's perfect for relaxing on a warm summer day with friends.
3. Poppin' Champagne Bottles
Champagne is most commonly spotted in the form of mimosas while brunching after a cycling class on a Sunday. At 90 calories per 4-ounce serving, it's not the worst drink, but then bottomless mimosas happen.
Champagne also contains more sugar, which causes your Monday morning hangover to be extra severe.
When brunching, order individual mimosas. You'll be less likely to keep ordering more if you're paying per drink.
4. Brewskis
Beer gets a bad rep for being high in calories, but compared to most drinks, it actually is pretty average. A 12 ounce beer usually ranges between 95 and 180 calories.
The reason it gets that beer belly reputation is because of the bubbles from carbonation. This can cause the morning after drinking bloat, especially when you have more than a few glasses of it. If beer's your jam, stick to just one to two glasses up to a few times a week.
If you have an event coming up, avoid it entirely and swap in some wine instead.
Have your beer and drink it too with a healthy Summer Beer recipe. Pour 8 ounces of your favorite light beer into a glass. Top it off with the juice from half of a lemon. It's refreshing and tasty, and you can still enjoy the kick from beer.
You can have all the weekend get-togethers and #WineNotWednesdays with your friends while working toward your #fitgoals. Just make sure to follow our advice, and you'll be ready to hit the gym in the morning.
For even more advice on drinking and nutrition, check out our Tone It Up Nutrition Plan.