This Mirror Is An Insane Fitness Tracker That Takes 3D Scans Of Your Body
Tracking our fitness journeys has never been an exact science. Scales can only tell us so much about our internal health, while body fat percentages paint a better portrait but are hard to procure with accuracy.
Now, thanks to the Naked 3D Fitness Tracker by Naked Labs, all we have to do is look in the mirror to know how well our workouts are working. It's basically the Evil Queen's mirror from "Snow White," except that it's honest. Equipped with Intel RealSense Depth Sensors, the mirror scans your body with the help of a Bluetooth-connected scale that twirls you around to get a comprehensive record of your body's changes over time.
In only 20 seconds, you have a full 3D scan of your body that gets delivered to an app that'll show you where you're growing muscle or gaining fat. Farhad Farahbakhshian, Naked Labs CEO and founder, says he's been testing the mirror on people since 2015. So far, people "have loved being able to see their bodies' changes," he says.
Outside of tracking your fitness goals, Farahbakhshian claims his product is also great for expecting women, explaining,
We have even tracked pregnancies month by month with some of our beta users so that they could see how their pregnancy changed their bodies.
The mirror may also change the way we shop for clothes, considering 3D scans of our bodies will allow retailers to easily tailor the garments to our bodies -- not the other way around as it's always been. Now that's something I can get behind.
You can pre-order the mirrors starting Thursday, and at a fairly reasonable price of $499, they're sure to sell out.
Watch the mini sci-fi movie of an ad above and start counting down the days until we're all svelte, robotic workout machines.
Citations: This $499 magic mirror could make you fitter than ever (Mashable)