
8 Football Players Got Stuck In An Elevator And Now #ElevatorRap Is A Thing
If you're gonna get stuck in an elevator, at least make it as lit as these USC football players.
On Friday, eight linemen on the University of Southern California Trojans' football team got stuck for seemingly obvious reasons: They're huge linemen, and there were eight of them.
As if imagining such an event wasn't funny enough, 360-pound Zach Banner did what any Millennial in his or her right mind would do: He live-tweeted it.
Needless to say, the stream of videos was gold.
The sweat on Banner's face was apparent from the first video he tweeted.
We Are Stuck on the elevator.... — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
Eventually, firefighters came onto the scene with fluids.
Fireman are but aren't helping much — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
But, they still could do nothing about the heat.
Here's my will... — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
So, it wasn't long 'til the temperature got to the players' heads.
Please someone help! — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
This was probably the low point.
Someone farted... — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
Of course, the guys were finally provided a way out...
Phones on 2% — Zach Banner (@zachbanner73) April 23, 2016
...but not before they created the "Elevator Rap."
USC's offensive line got stuck in an elevator and they made the "elevator rap" — Football Vines (@TheFBVine) April 23, 2016
God bless social media.