
Vine Could Be New Go-To Porn Site For Early-Finishers If It Accepts NSFW Offer

Universal Studios

Good news for those of you mourning Vine: It might reserect (hehe) as a porn app.

Yes. The magical PR crew over at Pornhub is wielding its power again by making a formal offer to buy Twitter's video-sharing masterpiece.

In a letter to Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, Pornhub's Corey Price pens,

Now, before you start rolling your eyes, hear me out Jack. We're interesting in purchasing Vine from you. We figure since Twitter has dropped it and is having significant layoffs that you and your stakeholders could benefit from a cash infusion from the sale of Vine. Not to mention we would be saving Vine gems like "Damn Daniel."

He added,

Upon purchasing Vine, we would restore it back to its NSFW glory. After all, spurts of porn in six seconds is more than enough time for most people to enjoy themselves.

Twitter announced yesterday it was killing Vine.

It didn't give a real explanation, simply saying it will be discontinuing the app in the coming months.

If you're a big Vine star and scared of losing all your clips, there's no need to fear. The app won't be cut off for some time, and the website is going to be up for a while longer -- maybe even forever.

The firm thanked all those who made Vine what it is (or was) today. A spokesperson signed off a statement with,

And, of course, thank you to all of those who came to watch and laugh every day.

Vine wants to leave the website active for anyone who wants to log on, find and save their favorite videos.

News of the closure sparked a huge wave of people posting their favorite six-second loops of all time. Here are a few of our favorites:

Rain Down in Africa Pup.

Pirates of the Caribbean Booty Hunter.


Tonight, we drink for Vine.