
Savage Teen Tells BF She Shaved Her Eyebrows, Pulls Most Convincing Prank Ever

by Kaylin Pound

There's nothing better than scaring the shit out of your significant other with a truly epic prank.

Don't believe me? Just ask 17-year-old Lizette Galvan.

Recently, this makeup enthusiast from Fort Worth, Texas was watching a Yoda makeup tutorial when she came up with a brilliant prank to pull on her boyfriend.

She was going to tell her boyfriend, 17-year-old Anthony Rabago, she was going to shave off her eyebrows.

Galvan got to work on her prank by, first, gathering up some makeup tools and an Elmer's washable glue stick.

Then, she told her boyfriend about her eyebrow-shaving intentions and sent a picture to prove she was "dead-ass" serious.


Rabago didn't believe his crazy girlfriend at first, so she actually sent him a video on Snapchat for more proof.

As you can imagine, Rabago became slightly alarmed at this point.

Galvan continued to torture her poor, clueless boyfriend by sending him another photo showing both eyebrows shaved off.


As the eyebrow insanity ensued, Rabago started struggling to keep his cool.

Galvan told BuzzFeed News,

I saw his reaction saying 'babe' so I knew I had to do it again.

If that's not bad enough, Galvan then drew on some fugly, fake eyebrows over her makeup-concealed brows and proceeded to send her boyfriend another text, telling him she had gotten rid of her real eyebrows in order “to try new brow shapes.”


Rabago clearly started to panic after reading this text because Galvan said she immediately got a missed FaceTime call from her understandably freaked-out boyfriend.

Galvan also decided to add some insult to injury by posting her whole hilarious prank on Twitter, at the expense of her poor confused boyfriend, of course!

haha — Liz (@galvanlizette13) November 14, 2016

Apparently, Galvan wasn't the only one who got a kick out of this clever eyebrow prank.


Lots of Twitter users have been commenting on her post and commending her for her hilarious disappearing-eyebrow act.


Plus, Twitter users also pointed out Galvan must have been pretty satisfied with herself because, let's be real, this elaborate practical joke is pure genius.


If you feel bad for her poor boyfriend, you'll be glad to know Galvan eventually got around to telling Rabago the whole thing was just a joke and she wasn't some sort of eyebrow-shaving psychopath.


Now, you're probably wondering, how exactly did Galvan manage to pull off this prank?

Apparently, Galvan made her eyebrows vanish into thin air by simply brushing three coats of glue stick onto her brows with an eyebrow brush, followed by a few coats of setting powder, two coats of orange concealer and, last but not least, a couple coats of full-coverage foundation.

When it comes to keeping your significant other on his or her toes, Galvan told BuzzFeed,

There's no harm in giving them a mini heart attack.

However, I think it's safe to say Rabago's ability to remain somewhat calm during the whole eyebrow debacle is almost as impressive as his girlfriend's hilarious prank.

Citations: This Teen Made Her Boyfriend Panic After Pulling A Savage Eyebrow Prank (BuzzFeed)