
Former NFL Athlete Accidentally Streams Porn During High School Presentation

by Kaylin Pound
9 News

I've never been a fan of giving class presentations.

Most of the time, I'm pretty sure I would rather jump out of an airplane or go swimming with great white sharks than get up and talk in front of a bunch of strangers.

It wasn't until I was forced to take a public speaking class in college I began to get over my extremely irrational fear of talking to big groups of people.

However, every time I have to give a presentation, I still feel a flood of anxiety sweep over me.

I mean, let's be real, there's a lot of things that could potentially go wrong during a presentation and no one likes to make a complete idiot out of themselves in front of an entire roomful of people.

Don't believe me? Just ask Australian rugby star, Jarryd Hayne.

9 News

Hayne, who you might recognize as a former San Francisco 49ers player, was recently invited to talk about online safety at Robina State High School in Australia.

However, Hayne's presentation turned into an unexpected show and tell scandal.

Yep, what started out as a normal assembly quickly turned into a provocative peep show when the rugby player accidentally streamed porn during the high school presentation.

7 News

Obviously, giving these kids a lesson on lovemaking was not Hayne's agenda.

Apparently, Hayne had his phone connected to a public wifi network and projected his browsing history up on the screen in order to demonstrate how third parties can steal data from your phone.

7 News

As Hayne informed students about these "man-in-the-middle attacks," Pornhub suddenly took over the screen and these high schoolers got an eyeful of some seriously NSFW images.

9 News

As you can imagine, Hayne was seriously embarrassed and scrambled to turn off his phone as the students burst into laughter.

7 News

In fact, if you're wondering what the face of a man who just accidentally showed the porn in his browser history to an entire auditorium of high school kids looks like, this is it:

9 News

After Hayne's presentation hiccup, one of the representatives from Norton, the internet security company who was also taking part in the presentation, swooped in to save Hayne's last shred of dignity.

This computer hero in plain clothing simply blamed the whole porn debacle on a prankster connected to the projector.

Now I know what you're thinking, and yes, it seems oddly convenient someone else would happen to be streaming porn on the same network during this presentation.

However, Norton Security representative Paul Savvides later told ABC News,

During our wifi demo we had an open network that was available for anyone to connect to and someone had connected to the network and browsed to a site where the images were displayed. I've just checked and the device that connected that did that was not Jarryd's phone.

Although Hayne may not have to take the blame for this one, he still has to forever live with the embarrassing memory of showing porn to the entire student body of Robina State High School.

I think it's safe to say Hayne is probably going to think twice before he agrees to give another cyber safety presentation.

Citations: Rugby player accidentally shows porn to hundreds of students during school talk (Metro), ABC News