
Mom Who Lost 44 Pounds Without Hitting Gym Says Simple Meal Prep Trick Was Key

by Amanda Fama

Simone Harbinson was diagnosed with a rare appendix cancer three years ago and found comfort in "bad food" throughout her debilitating treatments, which caused her to gain a ton of unwanted weight.

The 31-year-old underwent four surgeries to remove the cancer and hit her 12-month remission mark in 2015, Daily Mail reports.

After recovering, she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and given medicine with side effects that made her gain additional pounds.

To make matters even worse, she eventually underwent back surgery that left her unable to move.


During the hellish recovery from her multiple ailments, Simone was longing for a way to lose weight without hitting the gym.

She eventually found a way to shed the pounds without enduring physical activity, and her story is inspirational.

Simone began meal prepping, and lost 44 pounds without working out.


The mother-of-two talked to Daily Mail about her meal prep epiphany and explained how she became inspired to lose weight by Sophie Guidolin's fitness program on Instagram.

She told the Daily Mail,

One day I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram and came across Sophie Guidolin's fitness program and decided to buy it. I couldn't do any of the workout aspect of the guide but I did stick to the nutritional part of it.

Simone followed the program and meal prepped for nine weeks before undergoing back surgery, called microdiscectomy, which left her unable to move.

However, she admitted she meal prepped before the surgery so she'd have nutritional food to eat during her recovery.

She continued meal prepping without working out and lost 44 pounds during her debilitating times.

Since beginning her new diet, she's posted her meal preps onto Instagram to inspire those who are also trying to lose weight.


Simone said,

I meal prep every Sunday for about two hours and then I've got everything prepared for the next week. I like to mix it up each week. Mostly smoothies for breakfast though.

In addition to dropping 40 pounds by eating nutritious meals, the newly fit mother dropped three dress sizes from a size 16 to a 10.

She's still healing from her back surgery, but has recently incorporated clinical pilates into her regimen to help tone her body.


Simone proved eating healthy and meal prepping makes a world of a difference when you're trying to lose weight.

Her progress through struggle is inspirational, and we're all happy she's cancer-free and feeling healthy.

Citations: 'Seven months of pure grit': Mum-of-two who turned to 'comfort food' after battling rare cancer reveals how she lost 20 kilos and three dress sizes WITHOUT going to the gym (Daily Mail)