Everyone's Making Really NSFW Jokes About Ridiculous New 'Lollipop Lips' Trend
I never really learned how to do my makeup.
I have a pretty solid "go-to" look that will cover up some blemishes, as long as no one looks me in both of my eyes at the same time my eyeliner looks on point.
And I learned if you get waterproof mascara, no one will be able to tell you how many times you cried while trying to apply the perfect shade to your lips.
That said, the new "lollipop lips" trend is something I'm pretty sure I can accomplish, even with my lack of skill.
I, along with the rest of Twitter, believe this is how you capture the look.
Step one: Apply lipstick.
Step two: Suck a dick.
Step three: Success!
The "lollipop lip" trend is named after how your mouth looks after you eat a lollipop, but I found this only counts if you are a child with an inability to eat like a human with fully functioning motor skills.
Realistically, it looks like you got sloppy drunk on Halloween and mashed faces with a nearby stranger.
Ladies, as always, you can do what you want, but this is a trend I do not understand.
And always remember that just because you give sloppy blowjobs it does NOT make you a slut.
It looks less like you enjoyed a lollipop and more like you're trying desperately to heal your chapped lips with vaseline before going back to school after a cold...
Or like you've been making out with a vacuum cleaner.
Imagine? Your mom comes up to you with your new lip look and says,
I keep hearing that vacuum running, but your floors aren't any cleaner...
Needless to say, off of the runway, this look probably won't become popular.
Then again, what do I know? I used to rock chunky highlights and thought guys with bowl cuts were hot.