Genius Guy Follows His Wife's Pinterest Board For Gift Ideas With Secret Account
Guys, take notes, because 29-year-old Jordan just hacked being a boyfriend. After trying hard to find the perfect Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend, the New Jersey native decided to follow his now-wife's Pinterest page under a secret account for the perfect gift ideas.
Jordan told Buzzfeed News he never even heard of Pinterest before, and that he made an account after one of their friends suggested he follow his wife's page. Jordan's wife, TyAnna, recently learned about his secret Pinterest account after Jordan casually tweeted about his genius hack. He wrote,
I have a secret account that follows my wife's. She has no clue how I always get her what she wants.
Jordan's tweet came after Twitter user @Deray tweeted his followers asking if them if they still used Pinterest -- and if so, what they used it for.
That's when Jordan came in and stole the show with his clever hack. Jordan posted his tweet on July 29 and the post has been retweeted over 80,000 times and has received many comments in admiration.
"You're winning at adulting."
"That.... that is so major."
Where do I find a man like this?
Great question!
That's the smartest/sweetest thing I've ever heard a husband say. Well done.
But Twitter user @JothamKitara is calling TyAnna out.
Well, if this is true, TyAnna is the true genius is this story. After this viral hit, TyAnna officially found out about her husband's secret Pinterest account and told Buzzfeed, "I thought it was really really sweet but I wasn't surprised because Jordan really goes the extra mile to make me happy."
Jordan, you're officially winning at life. I think the natural next question is, when are you writing a book about how to be an awesome husband? Because girlfriends across the nation might want to purchase it for their significant others.