
Cutest Kitten Ever Goes On An Wild Journey In Epic Photoshop Battle On Reddit

by Danielle Valente
Melanie DeFazio

If you want to make sure you're using the internet correctly, start by watching some cat footage. Seriously! In order to experience in the World Wide Web in all its glory, you must participate in something feline-related. Take, for example, this latest thread to rock Reddit. A photoshopped kitten makes its way worldwide in a selection of photoshopped pictures, and the photos are too cute for words. You most certainly will swoon.

But first, let's back up and start from the beginning. Redditor Shashakeitup posted this sweet, innocent photo of a small kitten resting against a tire. It's adorable, but a bit worrisome. How did the little guy get under the car in the first place? What if no one had noticed him lingering next to the tire? Gah, it's too much to handle!

PsBattle: This kitten leaning on a tire from photoshopbattles

Fortunately, he was discovered unscathed and striking a pose to boot. Would you take a look at this cutie? Don't forget about that supermodel stare — it's imperative that all models make intense eye contact, of course.

Though this little photo would've been enough to satisfy your internet cat quota for the day, creative users across Reddit took things a step further and photoshopped the little guy in a variety of situations. Get ready for the excitement and lots of clicking.

Here is he — presumably after a very busy day — ordering a drink at the bar.

"I'll have a shot of tequila and milk, please."

 Strut your stuff, little guy.

The camera absolutely loves you. Keep working it!

Time to hit the waves!

Surf's up, dude! You've got some gnarly moves.

And lastly, here he is in my homeland: Italy.

Bon giorno bello! Come stai? Bene?

No need to thank me, folks. As long as I can increase your cat quota for the day, I'll know my job here is done.

Happy interneting!