
Confused Mom Doesn't Understand How Her Daughter's Head Turned Square

Moms, we love you, but seriously, up your tech game -- it's way too easy to prank you.

One mom fell victim to a hilarious Snapchat filter this week, but it's totally OK to laugh at her expense because the resulting WhatsApp exchange is so funny.

It all started when Rebecca Wyn Owen from Manchester in the United Kingdom sent her mom a video of her with a square-head filter and it totally threw her mom into OMG-get-help-now mode.

Check out Rebecca's photos of her text conversation with her mom below.

Rebecca Wyn Owen
Rebecca Wyn Owen
Rebecca Wyn Owen
Rebecca Wyn Owen
Rebecca Wyn Owen
Rebecca Wyn Owen

Obviously, Rebecca was absolutely howling about the whole thing and posted the conversation on Facebook.

She wrote,

I actually can't cope with my mum... Now everyone who knows her knows how gullible she is but she did this all herself! Was literally crying when she was texting me last night after I sent her the square video! She just doesn't get my sense of humour at all.

Never change, moms. Never change.

Citations: Daughter pranks concerned mum into thinking her head's turned square (Mashable)