
Apple's New Emojis Are Awesome, But You'll Have To Wait A While To Use Them

by Alexandra Svokos

The day has finally, finally, finally come when Apple announced a new set of emojis.

In celebration of World Emoji Day on Monday, July 17, Apple dropped a preview of dozens of new emojis that will be hitting your keyboards... eventually.

You may have noticed that your keyboard hasn't had an update -- and that's because the new emojis haven't officially been launched yet. According to Apple's preview, they'll be "coming later this year."

UPDATE: In response to a request from Elite Daily, an Apple representative said they couldn't be more specific about the release date and that the emojis would be out "later this year." Guess we'll have to endure!

EARLIER: Yes, that's right, we're going to have to have some patience and wait it out. So, that's a little disappointing if you're a need-to-have-it-now millennial like me.

There is one trick here, however, if you need them, like, right now. Apparently the new emojis already exist on the Android O beta, according to The Verge. But because Androids have a different style, the emojis don't exactly look the same.

For Apple users, it'll be some time. Many experts, including The Verge, believe the new emojis will be making it to Apple screens when the new iOS 11 updates comes around in the fall.

Elite Daily reached out to Apple about the release date, but did not receive further details.

Regardless of the exact timing, the upcoming emojis are well worth the wait. They're seriously so cool in a lot of different ways.

First of all, there's added emoji diversity with new emojis of a woman in a headscarf, a woman breastfeeding, and a bearded man.


Took long enough! Representation matters!

Second of all, we've got this brand new set of reaction emoji faces that I cannot wait to employ.


Honestly, how many times have yo looked for a vomiting emoji just to remember it doesn't exist? Your time is coming, my friends.

And live-texting your fav shows will be much more fun with these creature emojis.


I see you, Walking Dead fans.

Plus, we know emojis are almost never actually used to show what you're talking about. Instead, it's all about the innuendo and connotation (think: eggplants and side eyes).

So now that we've got this time to stare at the new emojis as we await their actual arrival, go ahead start planning how we're really going to use them.