iPhone 8 Multitasking Feature Might Be Similar To The iPad, Here's How
The home stretch is upon us, folks. Within weeks, the "bezel-less" iPhone 8 will finally be unveiled, and the arduous waiting process will end. Before we can actually see what the device is like for ourselves, another rumor about the highly anticipated gadget began to swirl (naturally). Reports indicate that the iPhone 8 multitasking screen will be like the iPad, so get ready for a new experience with the 10th anniversary phone.
Unlike phones of years' past, the celebratory device will forgo the physical home button and instead feature new ways to navigate to and from all of the various features. A thin bar at the bottom of the phone will allow users to swipe up and access their info, which is a redesigned multitasking UI, according to 9to5Mac. The site further claims this is a similar feature to the iPad iOS11.
The parallels between the iPhone 8 and the iPad mean that the phone will allow users to swipe up for multitasking. They can swipe even further up to return to the home screen grid. Lot's of swiping, folks. This is a whole new redesigned multitask switcher, according to Bloomberg. Those who purchase the phone will not have stacks up app cards, rather horizontal standalone cards that customers can swipe through, according to Mac9to5.
Have a look at this tweet to see the possibilities for the new phone. Pretty interesting, right?
Regardless of what customers have planned, it appears the phone will allow those who purchase it to stay busy thanks to these new upgrades. It's certainly going to be interesting to actually access one in less than two weeks and see how all of these predictions will play out.
What's even more mind-blowing is the fact that in another 10 years, when the tech company is celebrating its 20th anniversary, some experts predict the iPhone won't really be a phone at all, but rather a headphone-like gadget. How will people multitask then?
OK, OK, I'll take a step back and just worry about this year's release.