Some seasons, love is in fashion. Other times, it's out. If you think that summer ought to be the season of love every year without fail, guess again. Some summers are meant for you to be in partnership solely with your self. If your sign's love horoscope for summer 2018 isn't looking optimistic, keep your head up. It's probably because your sign reacts oddly to the energy of Venus in Leo. The planet of harmony and relationships lingers in the fixed fire sign from June until July, which means that the middle part of the summer might be the time when new love fizzles out.
Rejection is protection. Not all summer romance is built to last. It's better to get out of a house when it's crumbling than to stay and see if the roof collapses on your head. Just because a relationship wasn't supposed to happen within a particular time frame doesn't mean there won't be a time for the love you're out there looking for. If your summer love horoscope looks less than dreamy, use this time to pour yourself into your creative and personal work. Use the space to get in better touch with your own desires, and make every day a practice in the art of giving yourself what you need.
Taurus (April 20 To May 20)
With Saturn moving into your house of commitment until September, you're going to realize that the one you wanted to bring home to meet your family might not be the one for you. From May 2018 until April 2026, Uranus will be in your sign, demanding that you get in touch with more unconventional yearnings. Could it be that meeting the girl next door is no longer the romantic narrative that fits you? Embrace the change in who you are attracted to and what you desire, because it's here to last.
Cancer (June 21 To July 22)
Saturn is going to be in your house of romance from June to September, throwing up obstacles to your most intimate relationships. Demands will be placed on your time that you cannot accommodate. You will find yourself restricted and unable to blossom within the confines of your partnerships. Start honoring your own schedule more, and give yourself the space you need to breathe.
Virgo (Aug. 23 To Sept. 22)
This summer will be a mixed bag for you, Virgo. At the beginning of the season, romantic prospects will seem lacking. Stick to a mindset of abundance. What can you do with all of this extra time on your hands? Instead of worrying about why you don't have a date on Friday night, maybe you should just treat yourself to a night in and a rose petal bath. By the end of summer, Venus, the planet of love, will have moved into your sign and you will be grateful for this time you spent solo. Get in touch with the tools you need to stay rejuvenated to maintain a strong partnership with yourself.
Libra (Sept. 23 To Oct. 22)
Venus is going to keep your approach to love and romance quite casual this summer. If you end up feeling shut out or placed far out in left field, perhaps its because you don't value friendship enough. It's possible to have romantic feelings for many people at once; don't underestimate the amount of love you can receive from your friends. Communities, not individuals, are what will keep you sustained if you're going to be committed to something for the long-term.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 To Nov. 21)
You were flooded with many different suitors in the spring, so this summer you might be surprised to find yourself completely on your own. But you might be a little relieved, too. You're going to want to place your full attention on creative projects and achieving your goals this season. Your dreams are right within reach. Don't withhold pleasure from yourself for too long.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 To Dec. 21)
This summer will have many Sagittarians making a conscious choice to be single. Not in the mood to use dating apps right now, you will launch out into the world with an open mind to see who you can meet on your own. Despite flirting with the idea of a few different partners, you probably won't find anyone who meets your standards until late August — but when you do, it might seem like they push you away. Who is really pushing away who here, Sagittarius? What aspect of this person are you also rejecting? Remember that rejection, like commitment, is a two-way street.
Pisces (Feb. 19 To March 20)
Mars will be in your house of romance from late June until early August, pumping desire through your veins. As a water sign, burning too hot can dry you out emotionally; this would be a good time to keep in close touch with the solid friends who can help cradle your worried head. If someone is draining you of emotional energy or keeping you off balance, you need to let them go. The full moon in your sign on Aug. 29 will be a good time to wash this problematic partnership out of your hair, and clean up your emotional waters so you can swim in them with the right one.