Romance May Be Blossoming In Your January 27 Weekly Horoscope
Join a community of like-minded individuals, fight for a worthy cause, rebel against authority, let your freak flag fly — it's all OK; it's called Aquarius season. When the sun is in this eccentric, revolutionary, and intellectual air sign, you have every excuse to embrace your strangest and most bizarre instincts, because Aquarius could not care less about what anyone else thinks. Use this time to go against the grain, cause a ruckus, and turn your vision for a better world into reality. Your January 27, 2020 weekly horoscope says so.
With Venus — planet of love and friendship — swirling through creative, sensitive, and transcendent Pisces, emotions are running high, and so is everyone's empathy. Prepare to feel even more romantic and compassionate than usual when Venus joins forces with mystical and illusive Neptune on Jan. 27. This transit allows the heavy weight of reality to become far lighter, letting you escape through art, fantasies, and idealism. Let this transit paint you a beautiful picture of how life can be. Let it open you up to vulnerability and kindness toward others. Just make sure you're not overlooking red flags in the process. Venus conjunct Neptune can leave you susceptible to lies and scams, so keep both feet on the ground, even if you feel like floating away.
Good luck getting anything done this week, because by Jan. 28, Mars — planet of drive and vitality — will collide with Neptune, sucking away all of its energy. Mars square Neptune can be a time of spacing out, forgetting where you parked, and procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. If you've got lots of work to do, try your best to stay organized, form a plan, and prioritize your responsibilities. Repeating some positive affirmations couldn't hurt either, considering how Mars square Neptune can leave you questioning your abilities. Believe in yourself anyway, because you've got this. Neptune can't take your power away from you — that belongs to you and only you.
By Feb. 2, Venus will fall into the arms of dark and intense Pluto, deepening your partnerships and turning you away from superficial connections. You deserve a love that is real and if you're making promises, you better be prepared to keep them. However, you shouldn't confuse lust and obsession with a true bond. Remember that love is about trust, kindness, and commitment. It's something you know deep in your bones. If someone's love brings you anxiety or pain, it may not be love at all.
You're deeply connected to your spirituality and your intuition this week. Explore your inner world through introspective activities such as journaling and meditation. Give your spirit some necessary rest and revelations will follow. You don't need to travel so far to find what you're looking for, because you already have so many of the answers.
Inspiration to make this world a better place is immersing your heart. Get behind a cause that matters to you this week. Making a sacrifice for something larger than yourself will fill you with gratitude, and you have the power to lead others in the same direction. Don't be afraid to complicate things if it means you're helping the world make progress.
You're shining bright and the world is noticing what you bring to the table. If you set a positive example, everyone will be inspired to follow suit. Working toward your goals doesn't always require you to be competitive or ruthless. An act of kindness is just the career move you need. Watch how compassion brings you so many opportunities.
Shake yourself out of your comfort zone and make this week an adventure. The world is filled with pockets of unexpected beauty that can change your life for the better if you're willing to stumble upon them. Run free, but make sure you don't lose your way back. If something seems too good to be true, it might be.
You may feel extremely attracted to something dangerous this week. Against your better judgment, your passion is unyielding and there's no point in trying to repress it. As long as you're not making decisions that could potentially cause harm in the long run, feel free to explore your dark desires. You might tap into something powerful.
You may be feeling extremely romantic and enthusiastic toward a special someone. Let compassion bring you closer as you open your hearts to free-flowing communication and vulnerability. Do something sweet and romantic if you feel like it. Just make sure you're seeing this person clearly and not embellishing them in your imagination.
You have the power to spice up your daily routine with wellness, compassion, and self-love. Your to-do list may be stacked, but you should make your spiritual needs a priority, too. If you struggle to find the right balance, don't freak out. The work will get done, especially if you find a way to enjoy the process rather than avoid it.
You're falling head over heels in love. It doesn't matter who and it doesn't matter what. You're embracing the joy of butterflies swarming your stomach. Engage in something creative this week and don't forget to flirt. Romance is surrounding you. Just make sure you don't make too many commitments yet. Enjoy the present moment until you're absolutely sure.
You're healing your familial bonds and enhancing your home life with positivity and creativity. Use your imagination and spruce up your living space. A few more decorations couldn't hurt. Spend quality time with those you consider family. Just remember that forgiving doesn't mean you have to forget. Protect your energy no matter what.
You're having the most stimulating and inspiring conversations this week. This is a beautiful time to meet new people, be vulnerable with your feelings, and listen to the stories of others. Communicate with kindness and watch how your world grows. Even though you're feeling extravagant, try not to make promises you can't keep down the line.
You're swirling in luxury this week, so feel free to treat yourself and immerse yourself in all things pleasing to the eye. Feel the ground beneath your feet, stay in the present moment, and be reminded of everything you're grateful for. You may feel like spending more than usual, so try not to make big purchases without looking over the fine print.
This is a beautiful week to forgive yourself and treat yourself with some major self-love. Everyone sees you as a bright and shining star. No one can see your self-doubt and self-criticism. Hush your inner voice and speak to yourself with nothing but compassion. Analyzing your flaws does nothing but hurt yourself, because you are loved in all your imperfections.