Your Horoscope For The Last Week Of Mercury In Retrograde Has Things Looking Up
It's been a helluva retrograde cycle this month, with a total solar eclipse, a new moon, and with Saturn (the disciplinarian planet) going direct after months of retrograding in Sagittarius. This month, we've all been challenged to reassess the areas in life where we feel we can improve, where in life we feel we're ready to step into a more authentic version of ourselves, and your horoscope for the week of Aug. 28 will continue that trend, with the focus more on play than on work.
You may have given something up, either literally or figuratively, and been dealing with the consequences of that. You may have adopted a new outlook on life before truly giving up another, and Mercury retrograde has taught you that you need to be more thorough. This week, that focus will be on your love life, and your money -- not how much money you make, but the ways in which you make it, and how much joy it brings you.
Ultimately, because of Mercury's retrograde coinciding with the solar eclipse, we've all been forced to utilize this time in the most efficient way possible, and we have one week left to go before Mercury goes direct. Here's what to expect in that time.
Venus in Leo: Hot Sex On A Platter
Venus is the planet of romantic love, beauty, and money. Leo is a sign of drama, theatrics, play, creativity, and being in the spotlight. This last week of Mercury retrograde, you'll be wanting a lot of attention. You will be stepping into the spotlight in your relationship, wow-ing your partner by being more expressive, outgoing and romantic. Your warmth is bound to attract others, whether you're single or attached, so enjoy the attention!
If your focus is less on your love life and more on career, you'll be feeling like you want to start making your money in ways that allow you to shine the way you feel you're meant to.
Venus Square Uranus: Unconventional Methods
Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and money. Uranus is the planet of unexpected surprise. It's easy to remember because, like a finger in your ass, this planet always surprises you. Your love life could come across some fairly sudden, abrupt changes... or you could find that your regular toss in the sheets just isn't doing it for you anymore. You need change to keep moving forward, so if you're single, try saying yes to that date you thought was "too whatever" for you. Think of it as an experiment. If you're attached... dare I suggest a finger in the ass? If you're into that.
If your focus is on money rather than your love life, chances are you'll start finding alternative ways to make money this month. Beware of impulsive changes before Mercury stations direct on September 4.
You may have been feeling like making sudden moves throughout this Mercury retrograde period, but have been restraining yourself. GOOD for you. Keep doing that. Restraint of pen and tongue during this last week of Mercury retrograde will keep you in a stable place, as the information that needs to reveal itself before you make changes will do so in the next week.
You may feel stuck in the hallway of life, but remember, that's just a part of life. You are exactly where you're supposed to be.