Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & It's The Perfect Time To Start A New Project
If February has been an all-around difficult month for you, blessings are on the way with March coming up just around the corner. Next month starts off with a revitalizing bang. On Mar. 1, we'll be reigning in a full moon in Virgo and your February 26, 2018 weekly horoscope hones in on all of its grounding earth sign energy.
During a full moon in Virgo, we become perfectionists, obsessed with making sure everything is absolutely flawless. While the stress of this pressure might feel like pulling teeth, it'll help you concentrate on tiny details that you usually rush through or overlook. It's the ideal time to lay the groundwork for some big ideas you'd like to make reality. This steadying energy also helps you finally sit down to get some work done that you've been procrastinating on. A Virgo full moon helps you detangle each mess with patience and if you're not ready to finish a project, take your time. A full moon in Virgo wants everything to be the best it can be.
We also have an epic amount of Pisces power swirling around us, with Venus, Mercury, and the Sun still emanating its dreamy vibes. The combination of all this water sign energy with the full moon in Virgo makes it the optimal week to reassess your values and make changes that start from within. Let's see what that means for your sign in particular:
You'll feel consumed with a desire to start a new project, Aries. By the end of March, planets will be catapulting you through the stratosphere at light-speed, helping you go above and beyond. If you use this week to make a careful plan for how you'll harness that energy to make sh*t happen, it'll make all the difference.
The planets in Pisces are shining a light on aspects of your life that might no longer serve you, Taurus. Goal-oriented energy from the Virgo full moon will make you want to shed those values. Take this week to think about what you truly want from life. Concentrate on whatever makes you happy and forget everything else.
Your 10th house of career is flooded by planetary energy, Gemini. The Virgo full moon will give you that extra push to embellish your work with added details or go over a project a few more times to make sure its perfect. Use this week to really prove what a professional you are. Your superiors won't forget it.
After a long few weeks of feeling strapped for cash, your ninth house of luck is being illuminated by the Sun, which changes everything for the better. Money is finally flowing to you easily and freely, Cancer. However, learn from the mistakes you made that landed you in that financial stress in the first place. Use this week to formulate a plan that prevents it from happening again.
Your eighth house of death and reincarnation is full of power right now, Leo. Use this energy to make practical improvements in your life, possibly concentrating on mundane tasks you've been procrastinating on, like your taxes or your homework. It needs to get done some time, Leo, and energy from the full moon in Virgo will help you get through it.
Your love life is dazzling right now, Virgo, and the full moon in your sign will help you solidify how awesome it is. Take this week to do something special for your S.O. and if you're single, this is the perfect opportunity to really get out there and mingle. You thrive under this energy and everyone will notice all the romantic things you're doing.
You've been spending a lot of time with your loved ones at home, Libra. It's exactly where you want to be right now. Use the organizing energy from the Virgo full moon to declutter your home or plan something fun for your family to do together. You have the power to bring everyone closer right now.
You've been feeling utterly confused on how to rearrange your dwindling finances lately, Scorpio. However, the full moon in Virgo is coming to your rescue. It'll help you come up with easy, clever ways to make money so that you don't have to try so hard. Lay down the foundation for a system that saves you enough cash to last you through a rainy day.
All this Pisces energy surging through your fourth house of home and family is making you feel pretty emotional about things, Sagittarius, maybe even nostalgic for the old days. The Virgo full moon will help you glean insight from some mistakes you made in the past so that you'll be stronger moving forward. Take this time to allow realizations about what you want from your relationships to dawn on you.
The Virgo full moon will have its way with you at home, Capricorn. You're going to feel extra motivated to make things better for your loved ones, to show how much you care. Harness your hardworking energy to uplift those around you. You'll feel proud of yourself and gratified by the difference you can make in the lives of others.
Your emotional equilibrium is in dire need of some balancing, Aquarius. The Virgo full moon is asking you to spend some time wandering alone so that you can process and analyze your feelings. Your thoughts contain all the answers right now but you need to afford yourself enough quiet to hear them.
With so many planets passing through your realm, you've got all the power right now, Pisces. The Virgo full moon only adds to it, helping you effect great change in whatever way you want. Now is the time to do something big, to take a risk, to fight for what you believe in. While you shouldn't rush through anything right now, you also shouldn't let fear hold you back. There's truly nothing to be afraid of right now.