
A Porn Site Wants You To Propose On Their Website, Because Why Not

by Rebecca Strong

“How did you propose?” It’s probably the first question you ask when you find out that a couple is newly engaged. I, for one, live for a romantic proposal story, whether it’s the low-key, intimate kind at home or an elaborate public show. Over the years, I’ve heard about proposals in baseball parks, in restaurants, on a kayak in Amsterdam, and in backyards. But I can honestly say that I’ve never heard of someone getting down on one knee on a porn site. Thanks to YouPorn's wedding proposal contest, we’ll all soon be able to witness history being made — because the site is allowing one winner to make the first ever proposal on an adult entertainment site.

I know. I am just as #shook as you. Here’s how it works: YouPropose just launched today, and submissions will be open for exactly one month. To be considered, all you have to do is send a paragraph explaining why you want to pop the question in front of 20 million YouPorn viewers. The winner’s proposal video will then take over the YouPorn homepage for a full 24 hours. So, basically, it’s like a kiss cam — but with higher stakes and a way bigger audience.

It probably goes without saying that this method may not be for everyone. Shy or introverted potential brides-to-be probably wouldn't appreciate being in the spotlight for such a significant event. That said, it's definitely a memorable way to ask.

“Expectations for the most unique proposals are at an all-time high, as this once in a lifetime moment will never be forgotten. What better way to make your love story truly unique than popping the question in front of the millions of people, and on one of the most popular websites in the world?” said YouPorn Vice President Charlie Hughes in a press release.

You have to admit, Hughes has a point about it being unique — after all, it’s the first time it’s ever been done before. So, for the couple who likes to be the center of attention (and appreciates adult entertainment), YouPropose certainly offers one way to make sure you have a memorable story. Whether you share that story with grandma or your boss — well, that’s up to you.

“We wanted to do something to support partnerships and people who want to celebrate each other,” added Hughes. “Ideally we will get some submissions from couples that upload to our site!”

But just to be clear, you don’t have to be a porn star (or even an amateur YouPorn uploader) to enter the sweepstakes. You just have to be down to share your proposal with millions of (potentially horny) strangers.

Honestly, I have so many questions. Will YouPorn eventually start live streaming other momentous life events, like weddings or childbirth? More importantly, what if the winner’s boo doesn’t say yes? Will their rejection still be displayed on the homepage for viewers to cringe at? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure — if you’re looking for a proposal story that stands out from all the rest, this opportunity is straight up unparalleled.