Whether you're preparing to completely slay your new year's resolution to work out more, or you simply want to mix up the routine you already have in 2018, your zodiac sign could contain all of the secrets you need for the most effective sweat sesh in the new year. Astrology can teach you so much about yourself, and that information can be particularly great for helping you figure out what you like and don't like, especially in the gym. So when you're thinking about workouts to try in the new year, but you're stumped by the huge range of options, let your star sign do its damn job and lead the way.
Let's be real here people: 2017 was a f*cking trip. I mean, maybe you had a grand old time, I don't know your life, but personally, I know I'm not alone when I say there were an aggressive amount of ups and downs throughout this rollercoaster of a year.
So, in the name of starting 2018 on the right foot, don't waste your time on workouts that won't make you feel like the strong-ass goddess that you truly are. When Jan. 1 rolls around, take a hint from your zodiac sign and immerse yourself in workouts that will provide your body with loads of feel-good endorphins and help you truly thrive in the new year.
Aquarius Should Take A Hike
Listen, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible — but seriously, take a hike, girl. Connecting with nature and vibin' with a group of fellow outdoors-y peeps will make you happiest, Aquarius.
And if you want to go the extra mile (#puns), try doing a hike for a cause. Since you're really into helping others out and all things humanitarian, this will be right up your alley.
Pisces, It's The Perfect Time To Experiment With Yoga
"Namastay on my yoga mat every single day in 2018," said every Pisces ever.
Seriously though, Pisces are highly creative and artistic, so if you've never experimented with a killer vinyasa flow, this is your year to tune in with that body of yours and expand your mind.
Aries Needs To Channel Their Aggression In A Healthy Way
Aries, hitting up a sweaty and challenging boxing class will allow you to release anything and everything that did not serve you in 2017, and let out all your frustrations.
It may be intense and difficult at first, but after a few dates with the punching bag, you won't be able to get enough of the sport.
Taurus Could Totally Benefit From Signing Up For A Race
Slow and steady wins the race for Taurus. That long-distance, endurance-focused life is where it's at for you, girl.
If you've convinced yourself that you hate running (haven't we all at some point?), give it a shot in 2018. You might just get bitten by the cardio bug faster than you can lace up your Nikes.
Gemini, That ClassPass Subscription Is Calling Your Name
Geminis thrive on the concept of changing things up, which is why ClassPass is an excellent tool to help you find your dream workout in 2018.
Try a new fitness class every week to keep your body guessing. Hell, try a new one every day, you wild child.
Cancer Does Her Best With Online Workouts At Home
Oh cancer, you love those home workouts, and there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
YouTube has tons of awesome channels to experiment with, and ClassPass is even offering live-stream workouts in the new year. Ah, the options are endless, my friend.
Leo, Give Yourself Permission To Dance It Out
Leos love to be the star of the show, which is why busting some moves at Zumba class will let them channel all of that theatrical, vibrant energy in a lighthearted, fun nature.
Dance it out, baby. Dance it all out.
Short, Effective HIIT Workouts Are Where It's At For Virgos
New year, new me? Nah, not for Virgo. They're still as analytical as ever, and they need a workout that mirrors this part of their personality.
High-intensity interval training is concise, yet effective — just what your girl needs in her life this year.
Libra, Grab A Friend And Experiment With Acro Yoga
Libras need to harness all the inner peace they can get in the new year, and with good reason.
Acro yoga will combine connection and serenity, while giving you a brand new skill to have fun with and hone in on in 2018.
Scorpio, Just Let It All Out, Girl
Scorpio, your passion and intensity can get a little aggressive at times, so you need a strategy to let it the f*ck out — in a healthy way!
If you're not busy getting freaky in the bedroom, get your booty to an intense yoga class or a killer cycling sesh ASAP.
Sagittarius Loves Working Toward The Greater Good
Working out for an amazing cause will make a Sagittarius' heart swell all throughout 2018.
There are so many apps that let you sweat it out and channel your charitable side simultaneously. Get downloading, girl.
Capricorn, You'll Thrive Most With A Personal Trainer
Capricorns are the ones who are definitely going to stick to their new year's resolutions, because they're disciplined AF. And if you have access to a personal trainer, you'll be making all the gains in 2018.
Even if you're not able to work with a personal trainer, simply hitting up a workout buddy to hold you accountable for your routine will be all you really need to feel like a million bucks.