
This Is Why You Might Not Have Instagram's New IGTV Feature Yet

by Amanda Fama

Instagram turned the tech world upside down on Wednesday, June 20 when the company released IGTV. The new feature lets users watch and upload vertical videos through their Instagram app (or through the external IGTV app), and it's being welcomed with open arms. Right now, you might be scanning your IG profile and wondering, "Why don't I have IGTV on Instagram?" I hate to break it to you, but you might be doing a few things wrong. Don't be upset, though, because I also frantically searched my Instagram page in search of IGTV when the feature was announced. If you can relate, allow me to explain the steps you'll need to go through in order to take advantage of the new feature.

Before you do anything at all, make sure your main Instagram app is updated. You'll need to be running on version 50 of Instagram from the App Store in order for the feature to show up. Once you do that, check your IG homepage and see if there's a tiny television set icon in the upper righthand corner of your screen. (It should appear to the left of your DM icon, and if it's not there, you have a few more steps to take.)

If you aren't seeing it yet, you should sign out of the app and force-quit. Then, open the app back up and sign in again. If the IGTV icon still isn't there, you should take one more drastic measure: Delete the Instagram app entirely, and reinstall it onto your phone. These steps come straight from an Instagram spokesperson, so there's totally worth a shot.


There is one more thing you can try, though. When I wasn't seeing the Instagram icon in my main IG app, I decided to download the external IGTV app onto my phone. After downloading the app and signing into it under my Instagram name, I was finally able to see the IGTV icon on my main Instagram homepage. In other words, download the standalone IGTV app so you can use it through your main Instagram profile (if you haven't done that already). That should work, and if it doesn't, then you might have some waiting to do.

When Instagram announced the feature on Wednesday, they also said it will be rolling out globally in upcoming weeks (starting immediately). So, if you've exhausted all options and still aren't seeing the update, rest assured it should be hitting your phone soon. And remember: If you aren't seeing it directly on your main Instagram app, download the external app from the App Store. That might solve all of your IGTV woes, and you can thank me later.

Once you've finally figured out how to get IGTV on (or off) your Instagram app, you can take advantage its cool features. IGTV is Instagram's video platform that shares vertical videos which are uploaded by creators (like you). Unlike the minute-long videos you've seen thus far on the main Instagram app, IGTV vids can be up to an hour in length, so the possibilities are basically endless.

One thing that you should know about IGTV is the difference between the actual app and the feature. To be completely honest, the only real difference is the "Settings" icon that can be found on the IGTV app. When you're inside the app, you can hit the Settings icon for options that include Create Channel, Switch Accounts, Linked Accounts, Report a Problem, Terms & Privacy, Open Source Libraries, Help Center, and Log Out. However, when you hit the Settings icon in IGTV through the main Instagram app, the only option that you'll have is Create Channel. This is because IG already has the previous setting choices available through their main app, so there's no need to double up. Aside from that, you can do the same thing through the IGTV feature and the external application.

By now, I hope you were able to successfully access the IGTV feature through Instagram. If you haven't, wait it out; you'll be uploading hour-long videos in no time.