
This One Detail Could Tell Us A Lot About Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson's Wedding

by Bernadette Deron
Getty Images/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

With the news of Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson's reported engagement, fans everywhere are naturally asking a lot of questions. When they might get hitched is still up in the air, seeing as they supposedly only just got engaged like two seconds ago. But I'm also already wondering, where will Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande get married? That's a little more up in the air, but there are definitely some hints.

Honestly I feel pretty sure that either one or both of these two lovebirds have probably at least thought about where they might like to get married, even if they weren't in, uh, marriage-level relationships before. I know that I've definitely been thinking about where I'd like to get married since I was about seven, and I definitely wasn't dating anyone seriously back then.

There hasn't been an official confirmation of the reported engagement, much less a venue announcement yet (and why would there be, really), with a June 15 Instagram from Davidson that appeared to show Grande wearing an engagement ring being the closest thing we have to any kind of confirmation so far. But a new reported detail about when these two might get married could point to some clear wedding location possibilities. According to Entertainment Tonight, Grande and Davidson are reportedly thinking about getting married by the end of the year, according to sources that shared the new details with the magazine. Elite Daily reached out to reps of both Davidson and Grande for comment, but did not hear back in time for publication.

According to a source that spoke with the magazine, Grande has been thinking about her wedding day for a while and has a "winter wonderland" theme picked out for her special day. "Ariana also spoke about a winter wedding, which seemed a little cold, but she loves the idea of a winter wonderland-type scene," the source reportedly told ET. "We used to laugh about her fun ideas of a snowy wedding day."

Hmmm, a snowy wedding day. Sounds cute (and chill). If Grande is looking for cold weather and snow, I'm guessing that she'll either choose to get married somewhere on the East Coast or in a state that serves up a ton of winter-y vibes, like Colorado or Wyoming. But that's if the couple decides to wed in the United States at all.

If Grande really wants to go hard on the winter theme, she could go as far as plan her to have her nuptials in Iceland, which would be seriously cool. But she could also create a winter wonderland in sunny weather as well. Grande is from Boca Raton, Florida — which is a very lush and lavish city that would definitely be great for a wedding. Fake snow is a thing, right? Grande could definitely make it happen.

The source also told ET that Grande had been thinking about her future wedding "since she was 15." The source reportedly added, "During her teen years, she was always very dreamy about a wedding and she used to call friends and talk about one day having that one special person." Aww. I mean, I'm sure girls everywhere can relate to having thought about their wedding for longer than they've been in a relationship. So naturally when Davidson reportedly popped the question to Grande, I'm sure it didn't take her much time to start dreaming up what her day will look like. And her reported chosen winter theme is definitely one that I approve of.

It would also make sense for Grande and Davidson to get married in New York City, seeing as the groom is from Staten Island. Clearly, the city means a lot to Davidson. On June 16, the comedian did a surprise stand-up set at the famed Comedy Cellar (with Grande in tow), and posted an Instagram with the caption "went home last nite." That's a clear indication that he has deep roots in the New York comedy scene, so getting married in the city would make sense.

No matter where these two get hitched, I'm sure that it'll be a seriously magical day. I'll definitely be keeping tabs on the progress of their supposed wedding planning, because this relationship is just so interesting. I need to know everything about it. Don't you?