This 'Schitt's Creek' Beauty Collection Will Definitely Not Make You Say, "Ew, David!"
Have you ever seen a show and been like, "Wow, yes, I want to live there"? While Schitt's Creek may not be your dream destination, you can step into part of it. This January, Beekman 1802 is collaborating with Schitt's Creek to bring Rose Apothecary to life. The home and beauty brand has turned its brick-and-mortar storefront into Rose Apothecary and released a whole line of Rose Apothecary products all available on their website. Even if we're all a little bit like Alexis, this is absolutely not an "Ew, David" moment.
Owned by David Rose and his partner Patrick Brewer (played by Dan Levy and Noah Reid, respectively) on the show, Rose Apothecary is an organic, farm-based general store that the owners of Beekman 1802 saw their brand in. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, the co-founders of the real life, organic lifestyle brand, call themselves "super fans" of Schitt's Creek and first debuted the collab in a pop-up shop in upstate New York on Jan. 22. The pop-up was, of course, modeled after the fictional store.
For those who have wanted to buy at least a fragment of the products involved in David Rose's intense skincare routine IRL, here is your opportunity. All the products come in a minimalist black-and-white packaging that David would love, but before you ask, no, there are no plungers involved this sale. There is, however, a tote bag that reads "Simply the Best," a nod to when Patrick serenaded David and later, when David serenaded Patrick with the Tina Turner hit. I still think about that scene constantly.
Unsurprisingly, some of the capsule collection items have already sold out since it launched yesterday on Jan. 23. Remember the argument David and Patrick had about the placement of the "staple of the store," the tinted lip balm, in "Girls' Night"? Well, now you can get your own and put it as close to the register as you want.
So, while you wait for the tote bag bundle, hand-poured candle, and perfume to restock, here is a quick run down of the other Rose Apothecary products you have to try.
There is no better way to — SPOILERS! — get ready for the couple's wedding than to steal their skin routine.