Jon Huertas Says We May Finally Find Out What Happened To Miguel's Kids On 'This Is Us'
Miguel is here to win you over, This Is Us fans. The stepfather every Jack Pearson fan loves to hate on is more complex than you think and Season 3 will go even further into his backstory. You've watched Miguel go from family BFF to Rebecca's husband, but the details of how that story unfolded are still a little fuzzy. And where are Miguel's kids on This Is Us? His biological children may be a part of what's to come when the NBC tearjerker drama returns.
Jon Huertas, the actor behind Miguel Rivas, knows viewers are just stepping into the shoes of the adult Big 3 when it comes to their skepticism surrounding his role.
"I don’t like any kind of hate or haters, but I think it’s justified for the audience to be in the same position as the Pearson kids, because we’re experiencing the story through the Pearson kids’ eyes," he told CountryLiving. "It’s fair that the audience has trepidation."
But as TIU time marches on, Miguel will get his chance to fill in some of his personal gaps. Miguel's family life pre-Rebecca might just shine under the storytelling spotlight this coming season. He explained:
They’re going to do that with all of our characters and start to peel back the layers of the characters that love Kate, Kevin, and Randall. There’s a possibility of finally seeing Miguel’s kids and how they fit into his life, so I think if we’re going to see the kids, we would have to find out what happens [with his ex Shelly].
"There’s a very good reason and explanation for why Miguel and Rebecca end up together," Huertas additionally noted.
Season 2 explored the beginnings of Miguel and Rebecca's romance in its sixth episode, "The 20s." Like many couples before and after them, the former pals reunited via Facebook following spending years apart and ended up striking up a lasting relationship. Jack, Rebecca, Miguel, and Shelly's friendship has been shown shown throughout the series. Miguel and Shelly's divorce was discussed in Season 1.
Since his re-entry into the Pearson kids' life, Miguel's journey to acceptance has been a difficult one. Fellow Big Three spouses Beth and Toby commiserated over being considered "others" among the siblings' close-knit dynamic in Season 2. "Jack is untouchable. He is the saint we’ll never meet, who none of us will never live up to," Beth remarked to him, before he launched into a monologue about why he's resigned to the fact that he's embraced his outsider place in their life. Miguel explained in the episode "The Fifth Wheel":
I married my best friend’s wife. Nobody talks about it, but everyone’s always thinking it. I’ve been on the outside of this family since I entered it. I’m not even Chewbacca. I’m one of the fighter pilots who doesn’t even have a name… and I’m okay with that. You see, Toby, those four lived through something very unique together. They lived through the loss of the best man any of us will ever know. And that’s why they get to be on the inside, Toby. That’s why they get the lightsabers.
Season 3 will not only dive deeper into Miguel and Rebecca's love story, it will also illuminate Miguel and Jack's friendship bond.
“We’re going to see why there was so much distance between the time Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) died and when Miguel reaches out to Rebecca on Facebook,” Huertas revealed to AM New York. “We’ve shot things that will tease how the relationship might start to be different after Jack passes away.”
Season 3 of This Is Us premieres Tuesday, Sept. 25 on NBC.