Venus' Trine With Jupiter Will Inspire Big, Bold Changes In Your Life
The clock never stops ticking, and the planets are constantly shape-shifting through the zodiac wheel. Each has a purpose and celestial duty, which is why it's so important to follow along with the never-ending story of the cosmos. Venus' trine with Jupiter, which took place on May 9 and lasts through the 10 has probably already made you feel a deep breath of fresh air, but a square to powerful Pluto could soon leave everyone second-guessing their happiness.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde for the next few months, and this is setting a serious tone for everyone right now. Jupiter retrograde in adventurous Sagittarius will help bring you closer to your path of self-discovery while asking you to revisit the types of experiences you've had since November 2018. For instance, what have you learned about yourself in regard to your personal philosophy in the past few months? What kind of knowledge have you acquired? Is there anything holding you back from your spiritual growth? These are questions you can reflect on during this Jupiter retrograde transit.
With Saturn and Pluto retrograde in serious Capricorn, on the other hand, you'll be coming face to face with previously set structures that no longer serve your highest truth. Saturn retrograde is asking you to reevaluate, reassess, and revisit the type of foundation you've built for yourself, and in turn, consider your long-term goals. Pluto isn't as patient, in the sense that this malefic planet is in the process of destroying and rebuilding you from the ground up. With Pluto retrograde, you'll have no choice but to confront your shadow self and release whatever's been stifling your power from manifesting. Are you doing the work?
To top it off, the nodes of the moon sitting over the Cancer-Capricorn axis, and this only magnifies the cluster of energy huddling over the sign of Capricorn. The North Node is a symbol of where you're headed, and South Node is what you're releasing as part of your soul's evolution, both personally and collectively. Cancer is home, family, and nurture; Capricorn is authority, control, and structures. Destroying structures, and previously set foundations is certainly a theme for everyone right now, but in the midst of all this, it's important to focus on the things that nurture your soul and brings you emotional peace.
Venus Trine Jupiter Square Pluto: May 9 - May 10, 2019
Venus is in 23 degrees Aries, and Jupiter retrograde is in 23 degrees Sagittarius, which means both of these happy-go-lucky planets are forming an exact trine. Trines are totally harmonious, and in my opinion, an aspect to look forward to. According to Astrostyle.com, when two planets are trine, they are in their highest-vibe state of synchronicity, and this is because they're both traveling through signs ruled by the same element.
In the case of this delicious trine, you have Venus, planet of love, beauty, and relationships, in warrior-like Aries, and Jupiter, planet of abundance and expansion, in opportunity-seeking Sagittarius. With both of these heavenly bodies dancing through the fire, there is an instant burst of passion, inspiration, and creativity, but it doesn't end there. Venus governs finances, relationships, and values, so making contact with optimistic Jupiter will only increase your chances of obtaining the pleasure, security, and perhaps the relationship you desire.
On the dark side, however, Venus is making a square to powerful Pluto. Squares are usually tense, and it's when signs that share the same modality, in this case cardinal, form a 90-degree angle. For instance, Venus in Aries is bold, fearless, and independent; Pluto in Capricorn is ruthless, shadowy, and authoritative. What does this mean for you? Well, despite the burst of enthusiasm you might be feeling with this Venus-Jupiter trine, make sure you stay grounded in regard to your decision making. Pluto is notorious for being shady, so watch out for snakes trying to rain on your parade.
In the meantime, don't let the possums and the moths scare your butterflies and humming birds away. You are sunshine.