Twitter Is Straight Up Roasting Donald Trump’s Ridiculous Tax Act Name
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But sometimes, it's kinda hard not to. It turns out that Donald Trump wants to name his new tax proposal "The Cut Cut Cut Act," and ummmm, I'm sorry, what? Tweets about Trump's Cut Cut Cut Act are delightfully savage, and I guarantee they will provide you with some much needed lol-ing.
In less than 24 hours, Trump will rollout his much-tweeted-about tax proposal, which he put together with Republican leaders in Congress. Sadly for the bill's creators (and hilariously for us), there has been some serious drama surrounding the act's name. According to ABC News, with less than a day left before the rollout, Republicans still haven't decided on a name for the bill. House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady are reportedly really not feeling the whole "Cut Cut Cut" name and have been going back and forth with the president about it this past week. Trump is reportedly remaining firm with his choice... because of course he is.
Possibly the funniest part of the whole thing is that it was actually Ryan's idea to get the president's input on the bill's name because of his "knack for branding," a senior Hill aide told ABC News. You know that Ryan must be completely kicking himself that some good old fashioned sucking up went so very, very wrong.
An informal polling of Twitter's reactions to"The Cut Cut Cut Act" is mostly a general feeling of huh?!
Despite Ryan and Brady's (extremely valid) reported concerns over the name, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders immediately leapt to the president's defense during a Nov. 1 briefing.
"If it's called 'cut cut cut' and it includes massive tax cuts like this president is proposing, I think we would perfectly, be fine with that name," she said.
Meanwhile, the whole name wrestling thing is indicative of a greater issue going on at The White House.
“The fact that he wanted to name the bill, that is hilarious and perfectly illustrates how — in things both large and small — the Hill can’t quite figure out Trump,” a source close to the dispute told ABC News.
While the current bill is still being tweaked before it's released on Nov. 2, we do know a few things for sure. "The Cut Cut Cut Act" will bump up the standard deduction to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families, per The Hill. At the same time, the bill will reportedly lower the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and nix inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates.
So, yes, for wealth individuals, the plan will indeed be "cut, cut, cut."
Some senators have already spoken out against the proposal. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote a scathing statement on Sept. 27, saying,
The 'new' Republican tax plan is the same warmed-over, trickle-down plan they've been pushing for decades. It delivers massive tax cuts to millionaires and giant corporations and kicks working families to the curb. While the plan slashes the income tax rate for the highest earners, it actually increases the income tax rate that applies to many working families. The plan gets rid of the state and local tax deduction that millions of working families rely on, while repealing the estate tax that applies only to a handful of the wealthiest families in the country.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders agreed with Warren's sentiments, telling ABC that the bill was certainly a tax break for the rich. He added,
This is not politics. This is just really bad policy and I'm not clear why anybody would support a proposal which is massive amounts of tax breaks to the people who don't need it.
Ugh. Just gonna have to respond to Trump's Cut Cut Cut Plan with a classic Michelle Tanner line: cut. it. out.