
This One Moment From Mariah Carey’s NYE Performance Has Twitter In Stitches

by Rachel Chapman
Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

The most anticipated performance at New Year's Rockin' Eve this year was definitely Mariah Carey's comeback. After Carey's disastrous 2016 New Years Eve performance where she couldn't hear her backup vocals and said, "Well, Happy New Year! We can’t hear, but I’ll just get through the moment," we were all hoping for something better to start off 2018. Luckily, this year Carey made it through her performance unscathed, no thanks to her lack of hot tea. That's right, Carey claimed to have been promised hot tea, but there was none and now tweets about Mariah Carey and tea on NYE are causing Twitter to go wild.

After Carey's first song, “Vision of Love," during her two-song performance, she stopped to have a sip of hot tea only to find that the tea was not there. Carey said of this revlation, "They told me there would be tea. Oh, it's a disaster.” She then went on to say that she would brave the cold weather like everyone else in the crowd saying, "Okay, well, we'll just have to rough it. I'm going to be just like everybody else with no hot tea."

We totally understand the need for the tea. It was the second-coldest New Year's Eve in Time Square on record. Nevertheless, she persisted and Carey went on to sing her 1993 hit "Hero" for the freezing crowd.

You know nothing gets by Twitter these days without a little commentary, so immediately fans were reacting to the singer's dilemma. Now, we officially have our first meme of 2018, and it's a good one. Welcome to the new year with Mariah Carey and her hot tea.

Mariah Carey set the stage for the new year, literally.

After last year's performance really set the tone for 2017 being kind of a disastrous year, some fans were calling out Carey's performance as somewhat of a prediction on how 2018 will go. It's totally up for interpretation, so you can decide for yourself. It's all about your takeaway on what it all means between Mariah Carey and her missing hot tea.

Though you could see it as a year without hot tea, most fans saw it as a positive outlook on what's to come in 2018.

Fans were impressed the singer could get through without her tea.

Knowing the high notes Carey has to hit in most of her songs, it's hard enough to get through them with tea. Just try to imagine what it is like to sing without a hot tea to warm up your vocal cords. You add the freezing temperatures in Times Square to that, and we have to give Mariah Carey props for getting through it all. Her fans were also just as impressed with the singer's feats.

Resolution: In 2018, be more like Mariah Carey.

Though some fans were applauding the singer's lack of tea performance, others criticized Carey for demanding hot tea. However, she is a diva for a reason, and a diva doesn't get the recognition without the hard work and success that led her there. So, we honestly are totally here for it. In fact, some fans were looking to Carey as inspiration on how to act in 2018.

But Mariah Carey finally got her tea and all is right in the new year.

Around 2:30 a.m. ET, Mariah Carey finally tweeted that she found her tea, and it now seems that everything is going our way in 2018. The big takeaways from this whole performance and lessons you should hold onto in the new year are: you don't need that hot tea to go out strong, there is hope if Mariah Carey can sing without hot tea, and ask for hot tea and you shall receive. We're all wishing you a Happy New Year filled with lots and lots of hot tea.