
Accio Cute! This Dog Who Responds To 'Harry Potter' Commands Has Twitter In Love

by Rachel Murphy
Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Every year, there are thousands of adorable videos that take over the internet. Not even two weeks into 2019 and I'm already declaring this video of a dog who learned Harry Potter spell commands as my fave video of the year. First of all, the video involves an adorable pup. You know that age-old debate of cat person vs. dog person? Welp, I'm a dog person, so, naturally, I'm going to love this video. Secondly, not only is the dog obedient, but he's responsive to Harry Potter spells?! Say no more. This video is too cute for words — and you need to see it.

YouTuber Anna Brisbin has done the impossible. Well, maybe not impossible, but what she — and her dog— have accomplished is certainly impressive. Brisbin taught her dog to respond to several different Harry Potter spells. The extraordinary puppy's name is Remus (and P.S. he even has his own Insta account). He's a long-haired miniature dachshund. I'm not sure if he's actually a Harry Potter fan or not, but his spell knowledge is out of this world.

Brisbin posted the video to the Brizzy Voices YouTube account, where she works as a voiceover and screen actress, according to her Twitter bio. The super adorable video already has over 80,100 views on YouTube and more than 700 likes on Twitter. The video shos Remus all dressed up as Harry Potter. While he's not a spitting image of everyone's favorite boy wizard, his outfit really seals the deal. The video starts with Remus lying on the couch, decked out in a grey sweater with a white collar, and red and gold tie. Oh, and he's totally wearing a black and red cape at the beginning of the video because he's obviously a real-deal wizard.

The video goes through a variety of familiar Harry Potter commands that you probably know. Brisbin begins with the "Stupefy" command while Remus is lying on the bed. When she says the command, he places his head on the bed and sits still. Seriously, you gotta watch this video. Next up, Brisbin instructs the dog with the spell, "Wingardium Leviosa." This prompts Remus to stand up on his hind legs and stay in this position. What a good boy.

That's not all the impressive pooch knows. Remus continues to exhibit his Potter spell knowledge by responding to commands such as Avada Kedaura. Harry Potter diehards know this one means "to kill," but Remus just knows he needs to play dead, or at least spin in a half-circle, lay down and flip over on his back. The video ends with Remus turning a floor light and on and off when responding to the commands "Lumos" and "Nox." Oh, and treats. Brisbin is sure to reward Remus with plenty of treats for a job well done. Bravo, Remus.

Honestly, could this dog be any cuter? No. The answer is just no. You really need to watch the video to get the full effect. So far, 2019 is off to a good start. If you ever start to feel like things are going awry, make sure you save this video and watch it on a rainy day because it is pure happiness.

Brisbin uses a wand to instruct Remus to perform each command. From the Harry Potter-inspired outfit for Remus to her very real looking wand, I admire Brisbin's commitment to training her dog. It's safe to say that Remus is the goodest boy, and I can't wait to see what new tricks he learns next.