
‘This Is Us’ Is Airing Two Episodes This Week, So Keep The Kleenex Coming

by Ani Bundel

Are you done crying yet? Will you ever be done crying, now that we've learned how Jack dies? This week's slightly supersized heartbreaker of an episode may have left fans in tears, but yet it was a highly satisfying hour too. Let's hope everyone who tuned in enjoyed the ride, and are ready for the next one because we've got less than 48 hours until the next episode! This week, This is Us will return to their regular 9 p.m. timeslot on Tuesday evenings. And the This Is Us Season 2 Episode 15 promo promises that the fallout from Jack's demise is only beginning.

Like the last two weeks, NBC is still keeping all the details on lockdown, with no promotional images released ahead of time, and no episode synopsis that might unknowingly give away spoilers for what was coming tonight. While we know how things stood a few years down the road, having had our first flashback to the Pearson triplets in 2008 in the episode "The Twenties" earlier this season, how exactly things fell apart in the wake of Jack's passing is still to be revealed.

With that in mind, let's go over what we did learn in tonight's "Next Time" trailer.

Tonight's This Is Us episode almost felt like the first half of a two-part episode, which works, since the next installment is on Tuesday, less than 48 hours later. This is definitely the other half. Jack is gone, and the kids now have to go through the surreal experience of a funeral.

Of course, the first images from the trailer are that funeral. I would assume we will have another scene at Dad's tree. (Fans should keep an eye out and check if it's the one Kevin was sitting at tonight, or if he did indeed wind up at the wrong one.) But it's the look on Kate's face that's the important part of that opening shots.

Randall is crying. Kevin is crying. And Kate had her arms crossed and looks like she can't even understand what's happened and she's really mad about it. She doesn't understand how he died. And how is Rebecca going to tell her?

One thing I think we can bank on, Rebecca won't tell Kate about the candy bar. Her telling Kevin tonight felt like it was the first time she'd told that story to anyone, that she missed that her husband was going into heart failure and died because her back was turned, first on the phone with them and then trying to get a Mars bar for dinner.


We know this is also Kate acting out because she's decided she can't come back from this. Kevin and Randall can, but she can't. She's going to give up the Berkeley plan, she's going to give up the singing, she going to throw it all away (and partly to spite her mother, who I'm sure will push even harder for Kate to follow her dreams only to have Kate dig in and refuse).

If the flashbacks go far enough over the course of the rest of the season, we might even see what becomes the break that Kate cuts off Rebecca completely. (There are 18 episodes all together in Season 2, and this one coming up is 15, so there will be three more after.)

Other questions for next week: How will Kevin and Sophie cope? How will Randall and Allison? Obviously, even if they don't split up right away, college (and Beth) are coming for the latter, and we know Kevin and Sophie eventually split after high school as well.

But first, the funeral. Gather your tissues and we'll meet back here in 48 hours for the next This is Us.