People Are Talking About #TimesUp At The Golden Globes & It's So Empowering
If there's one thing that rang true as we rolled into a new year, it's that women will be using the momentum from 2017 to continue to make strides for change in this political and social climate. #TimesUp, the 2018 anti-harassment initiative that started on Jan. 1, was signed by 300 women in Hollywood. That is a lot of fire power behind the cause, but another way to publicize it even more is through award shows. The Golden Globes was the perfect platform to shed even more light on the initiative. People all over the country were rallying in support via social media, and the response was amazing. #TimesUp Tweets from the Golden Globes are proof that change will happen in 2018.
The Golden Globes always raises conversations about fashion, flubs, and everything in-between. However, this year, a stronger conversation has taken precedence. A long list of females attendees wore all black as protest against sexual harassment. While many people were thinking this would be a form of silent protest, Rashida Jones set the record straight. She told InStyle,
This is not a silent protest ... I don’t think why we wear black is divisive as much as it is being discussed and debated without all the facts. Many women on the red carpet will discuss what’s important to them about their choice to protest and wear black. We wear black to stand in solidarity with our sisters and to say time’s up on this imbalance of power and the abuses that come with it, regardless of what industry you work in. It’s time for every workplace to look more like our world, where women have equal representation.
The tweets were far-reaching and people are here for the cause. Below are few of the amazing tweets in support for #TimesUp:
Amy Adams supporting #TimesUp from home.
Seth Meyers openly talked about the cause in his monologue.
Reese Witherspoon is standing in solidarity.
There were many more important issues to cover besides "who are you wearing."
The powerful message was widespread.
Kerry Washington was a total queen.
Jennifer Morrison and her mom rallied for #TimesUp.
History being made.
Elisabeth Moss exhibiting grace (as per usual).
#TimesUp is led by attorney Anita Hill, and the initiative released an open letter detailing how they will help working-class women with funding and support for workplace harassment outside of the typical circles of power and influence.
The letter says,
We particularly want to lift up the voices, power, and strength of women working in low-wage industries where the lack of financial stability makes them vulnerable to high rates of gender-based violence and exploitation.
Some of the most notable names on the list of supporters include: Ashley Judd, America Ferrera, Rashida Jones, Emma Stone, Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington, and Eva Longoria, chairwoman of Universal Pictures Donna Langley, and lawyers Nina L. Shaw and Tina Tchen.
Since most of the members are the Hollywood elite, they explained that it is time to use their platform to help others. The letter continues, "We also recognize our privilege and the fact that we have access to enormous platforms to amplify our voices."
The issues behind this initiative were highlighted by an open letter from 700,000 women in agriculture that was released on Nov. 12 that stated that these workers stood with the men and women in Hollywood who had come forward about harassment. As reported by Time, part of the letter reads,
We do not work under bright stage lights or on the big screen. We work in the shadows of society in isolated fields and packinghouses that are out of sight and out of mind for most people in this country. Your job feeds souls, fills hearts and spreads joy. Our job nourishes the nation with the fruits, vegetables and other crops that we plant, pick and pack.
It continues,
Even though we work in very different environments, we share a common experience of being preyed upon by individuals who have the power to hire, fire, blacklist and otherwise threaten our economic, physical and emotional security. Like you, there are few positions available to us and reporting any kind of harm or injustice committed against us doesn’t seem like a viable option. Complaining about anything — even sexual harassment — seems unthinkable because too much is at risk, including the ability to feed our families and preserve our reputations.
While it's obvious there's a lot of work to be done to help prevent and end sexual harassment, there will be a lot of work done in 2018. Let's get it, people.
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