Twitter Can't Get Over The Fact 'MIB: International' Brought Back Fergie's "London Bridge"
Ever since Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth starred together in Thor: Ragnarok, fans have been eager to put their comedy stylings together again in another film. When it was announced not long after the two of them would team up as the new agents in the alien hunting comedy franchise Men In Black, there was quite a bit of excitement, though no one was quite sure how it would work. The first trailer this week put all doubts to rest. These tweets about the MIB International trailer are proof fans of the actors and the franchise are ready to love all of it, even the use of Fergie's "London Bridge" song.
The song was initially released back in 2006, as the lead single from Fergie's first studio album as a solo artist. Though the song was a commercial success and seemed to be playing everywhere, it was one of those songs everyone instantly disliked as an obnoxious, annoying earworm, not to mention the not-exactly-subtle lyrics.
When the song finally collapsed off the charts, it was left for dead, a relic of a different era when songs like "Hollaback Girl" were the noise-de-jour. And there it may have lain, a dated song, not unlike a bad yearbook photo, until the trailer revived it, with such style and panache, it took the song to instant throwback status.
Twitter was entranced. It's a rare trailer that grabs a pop song over a decade old and edits it to such perfection the beats match this well with the footage. Such edits are usually the province of Tumblr and fan-made videos. And here it the production which was the one who hit it out of the park on the first try.
It only took 12 years, but yes, Fergie's oddity track from the mid-aughts has finally ripened. Now it is ready to step off the shelf where society left it in the George W. Bush years, and stan for Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth as Agents H and M.*
*Is this a reference to the clothing store, by the way? Perhaps not, but I wouldn't put it past this movie to turn it into one. After all, this trailer is doing the most with everything else involved.
Of course, this wasn't all fans were excited about. There was also the sight of Thompson and Hemsworth teaming up to fight alien bad guys. One of the concerns going in is the original Men In Black, agents had generational differences. Will Smith was the young recruit and Tommy Lee Jones was the man on the verge of retirement. In the follow-up, Smith was the veteran teamed up with younger newbies.
But Thompson and Hemsworth are both in their mid-thirties. She may be new to the company, but in a lot of ways, their characters are equals. Seeing how this would work really got fans excited, along with glimpses of the film's other stars.
But in the end, everyone knows who really won the day.
Men In Black: International arrives in theaters worldwide in summer 2019.