These High Schoolers Have Twitter Cracking Up Over Their Creative ID Photos
Back to school season is just so unbelievably exciting. Remember how you'd get into the groove of attending your new classes and reconnecting with your friends in the hallways? It looks like some things never change, and the high school ritual of school picture day is still going strong. But students are proving that just because it's tradition, doesn't mean you can't add some of your own pizazz. These pop culture-inspired students IDs show students dressed up as their famous doppelgängers, and they're absolutely genius.
The students at North Farmington High in Farmington Hills, Michigan revived their annual tradition this year that allows seniors to dress up as pop culture characters for their student ID photos. It's a totally inventive way to celebrate the last year of high school with a unique flair and unforgettably hilarious results. The tradition was a big hit at the high school for the past couple years, with students dressing up as everyone from Jim and Pan from The Office to Harry Potter from the Harry Potter films. The seniors of 2019 definitely had a lot to live up to, given the popularity of past years' pop culture-inspired student IDs on social media. It looks like the graduating class of 2020 certainly did not disappoint, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Posting to Twitter with the hashtag #NFID20, the students shared with the world how they made classic characters come alive for picture day.
This student really has an uncanny resemblance to the Wendy's girl. With bright red hair and blue ribbons, she hits the nail on the head.
It's not high school without Regina George! This Mean Girls impersonation is downright incredible. I can just hear a menacing voice in my head say, "You can't sit with us."
What an incredible homage to one of the best films of the year! This student is seriously channeling some Crazy Rich Asian vibes.
With that killer dark lipstick and hair combination, Rihanna would be so proud.
Tinker Bell truly comes to life in this photo!
The trick to looking like Beyoncé? You've got to look fierce even when you're sipping your drink.
This case of sisterly love is so well done — it's absolutely frightening. Thanks to some inspiration from The Shining, of course.
It's the return of Jim from The Office! How could anyone ever forget this hilarious scene when Jim impersonates Dwight?
These students really showed off their skills with costumes that cover just about every corner of pop culture. From Disney characters to major celebs, the students perfected their look-a-like photos using what nothing more than clothing, makeup, props, and their own creativity. Seems simple enough, right? If you're as excited about these looks as I am, you can try the get-ups for Halloween. IMO, the best way to perfect your doppelgänger costume is to let loose and get creative with it! Because as the high school students from North Farmington High prove time after time, it's all about having some good ol' fun.