
If You're One Of These 4 Zodiac Signs, You Absolutely Love Texting

by Roya Backlund
Originally Published: 

I don't know about you, but when I hear the sound of a text message popping up on my phone, I always have a reaction. I mean, maybe it's a friend of mine who's got some juicy gossip to share. Maybe it's my crush sending me heart eyes and kissing face emojis. Maybe it's a text I've been dreading receiving all day long. Considering how integral texting is to the daily grind, it sure makes life an emotional roller-coaster. But you know you love the rush, especially if you're one of the zodiac signs who love texting the most. If you've got placements in Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, or Sagittarius, I bet you can't keep your hands off your phone to save your life.

Some of us are just downright obsessed with texting and it's a double-edged sword. I'm sure you're familiar with the embarrassed feeling of knowing you're texting someone way too much. You may have even had to wonder whether you should reply now or reply in an hour just so you don't look like you're always on your phone... even though you definitely are. But on the other hand, you're always a reliable person to have a conversation with. Whenever someone has an interesting story to tell or they need someone to vent to, you're probably the first person they think of. You use all the cutest emojis, entertain everyone with your sparkling wit, and it's you who makes iMessages go 'round.


Gemini: They Want To Text You Every Thought They Have

Is it any wonder that a Gemini can text up a storm? This zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury — plane of communication — so obviously Geminis are obsessed with typing away on their phone. Whether they've got a cool thought on their mind or some piping hot tea to spill, they'll definitely send you a string of messages and you'll love reading every single one of them. Geminis are just hilarious and you won't be mad they texted you. The problem? They might forget to text you back.

Cancer: They Love Keeping Everyone In The Loop

Cancers care so much about staying up to date with their loved ones, and what better way is there to do that than through texting? They love hearing all about how your day is going and they'll send you the most caring and thoughtful responses. The best part? They don't text just anybody — if you're one of the people they've chosen to text, they take your conversation very seriously. In fact, it's probably rare there's ever a lull in it.

Virgo: They'll Take Any Chance To Write A Beautiful Text

You're a writer at heart and you almost love texting more than you love talking in person. After all, you get to whip out your literary genius when texting. Plus, you probably get a bit shy on the phone, so texting is really your favorite thing. It's rare that you even take all that long to reply, considering how much you hate procrastinating and watching all your texts pile up. People know they can rely on you for quick and enthralling text-versation.

Sagittarius: They'll Send You Memes All Day Long

The internet is a hilarious place and you, my friend, are a hilarious texter. Not only do you love talking and keeping the "buzz" going in your life, it's as if you attract funny memes and tweets like a magnet. You can't just keep them all to yourself, so naturally, you've got to send them out to all the people you know will appreciate your droll and clever sense of humor. You're definitely that person sitting on your phone and laughing to yourself in public.

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